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The olo'eyktan gathered his wife and child with important news.

"I have news of more new comers seeking refuge, olo'eyktan and tsahìk of the reef clan, their children too. The helped the sully family, and now seek help from us also." he spoke to both women.

"more new comers?" the tsahìk gasped angrily, "have we not done enough?"

"father they are reef people, they will be no good here." the daughter chimed in.

"As tsahìk and future olo'eyktan i deeply respect your opinions, please may we give them a chance. They can be trained." he said pleading his family

"i will not train them!" Mä'reyna hissed angrily at her father, "you are asking too much, you are endangering our people!" she said getting to her feet pacing around the hut.

"Daughter they are already here, please just see what they are like once they have arrived?" he glanced between both women, although neither of them were happy with the decision being made they agreed, however if either women sensed danger they were allowed to turn the family away immediately.

After the olo'eyktan left to tell the sully family of the news the women shared herbal tea talking to eachother.

"daughter what is wrong?" the mother questioned

"why should anything be wrong?" the daughter sighed sipping her tea.

"i presumed you would be happy, you are close friends with the sully family."

"but mother, these people we do not know, you and father fought with Toruk Makto and Neytiri! what if this strangers bring danger?" the daughter frantically questioned her mother, a comforting hand was placed on her arm.

"You are mä'reyna, strong fighter and future leader for our people. When these reef people come i will make sure ateyo and his sisters train them. However i need you to keep an eye on them reporting to me if anything happens. i predict a war daughter." her mother said tears now forming in her eyes.

"I will fight along side my people mother, i promise" the two hugged comforting eachother before reyna finished her tea and marched out to the forest to hunt.

To her dismay she was followed by lo'ak, she needed to be alone with her thoughts right now.

"Mä'reyna have you heard?" the boy said excitedly running infront of her causing her to stop walking.

"yes." she said with annoyance pushing past him

"Aonung and tsreya are coming" he spoke happyily walking next to the girl, "you will train them right?"


"bro why not?" he said pushing her arm playfully to which she glared at him continuing to walk.

"i am to be olo'eyktan i have things to do" she said bluntly still not turning to look at the boy

"but you train me and my siblings?" he said

"i do"

"so why not them?" he said stopping, pulling the girls arm making her turn towards him

"because i do not want to" she spoke, "do not question my actions lo'ak"

The boy raised his hands showing he didnt mean any harm by what he was saying.

"ateyo and his siblings will train them, they will be fine" the said once again turning her back on him continuing to walk.

"can you just talk to me instead of walking away?" the boy said getting in her way forcing her to look at him.

"i came to hunt, you followed me and got in the way" she hissed with annoyance

"bro whats your problem?"

"tsahìk, my mother, predicts war because of your stupid reef friends and you ask what my problem is?" she hissed her tail now moving behind her as anger ran through her blood, It wasnt lo'aks fault, he didnt know. Seeing the saddened look on his face she paused, "sorry, it is not your fault." she stepped back putting some space between them.

"perhaps tomorrow me and my brother can finally ride ikran," the boy said moving closer to her placing a comforting hand on her cheek, " we can finally become warriors, one of you."

" newcomers arrive tomorrow." she said pulling his hand from her face, however now it seemed they were just holding hands.

"the day after then" the boy smiled smugly letting go of the girls hand and returning to the village leaving her utterly shocked in the middle of the forest.

"the day after then" the boy smiled smugly letting go of the girls hand and returning to the village leaving her utterly shocked in the middle of the forest

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721 words

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