🟠 - Wither x Skeleton - Flower Crowns

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Set: The scene is set in the grassy plains just behind Skeleton's house.

Requested: By No one

Skeleton was simply sitting on the grass, silently watching as the moon reflected off of the water of the lake that was near him. It was peaceful, no one else was around. They were all busy doing there own things. Zombie was off with Pigman... the latter wanted to show him something? A gold vault or something? Skeleton couldn't really remember. Creeper and Slime were out with Enderman, probably asking him things about the End dimension. The two were naturally curious. That just left him. Oh, and Wither, but he had no idea where the lazy mob was. Probably off sleeping somewhere. He sure was a character, and honestly, that's what Skeleton liked about him. He was always so carefree, and relaxed, and... he was getting off topic. He came here to enjoy the scenery, he didn't get much time alone when he was hanging out with his classmates. Not that he didn't enjoy their company, of course! It was just... tiring sometimes.

"Whatcha doing?"

A voice that he didn't expect to hear made him almost jump out of his skin - well, it would have had he had any. The slightly taller mob gave a small laugh and went to sit down next to Skeleton, who now had a dopey smile cast on his face.

"I was just relaxing. It's really peaceful here."

And so it was. The trees rustled slightly in the cool midnight air, droplets of water dripping off of leaves and hitting the ground with a soft splash. The waves sloshed against the sand and the dirt, creating hushed crumbling noises that kinda sounded like someone whispering, and if you listened very closely, perhaps you could catch a mere glimpse of the secrets they told.

"It really it."

The three words spoken was enough of a response for both, the two sitting there in a comfortable silence. That was soon broken.

"So... what have you been doing tonight, Wither?"

"Nothing much, just lazing about and listening to the screams of Players as I burnt their houses down."

"Cool, cool."

Neither of them liked Players. They typically stayed away from them and their small ugly houses, but once in a while, they would go and ruin their builds. In all honesty, you could go as far as saying that it was a major improvement. Villagers were on the other end of the spectrum, though. The mobs didn't mind villagers, and even sometimes went to converse with them and wander around the market stands. Zombie didn't often go there, though - he couldn't stand the iron golem that was there.


Skeleton looked over at Wither, who's attention was now focused on a flower. A daisy, to be more precise. The Nether mob then selected another one, and using one of his abilities, he merged them together, almost sneering at how ugly it was.

"It's unfair. I've seen villagers do this just fine, why can't I?"

Tossing the ruined and downright unusual flower to the side, Wither huffed. Skeleton was watching with a hint of confusion - literally none of the villagers merged flowers together like that. Not that they could. Unless...
An idea shot through his head. Was Wither trying to make a flower crown?

"Do you- are you trying to make a flower crown?"

"A what now?"

Skeleton suppressed a snicker at the other's clear confusion. Was it really that odd to fashion flowers together as an accessory? Apparently it was. But could you really blame Wither when he came from a barren land where the only flowers that ever grew were poisonous and practically dead anyways?

"Sounds ridiculous - why make a crown out of items that come apart easily when you could just wear a real one?"

Wither whined with annoyance, picking up another flower and pointlessly glaring at it. Skeleton, on the other hand, was already collecting a bunch of them and weaving them together to create a flower crown. It wasn't hard, and an added plus was that he'd had lots of practice. He didn't really care what anyone else thought, he did it for fun.


The shorter spoke up, passing the circle of flowers over to the other. Wither was actually speechless... he didn't realise how pretty they could be. He'd never really took time to look at flowers, tending to - surprise, surprise - mainly sleep in his spare time. Carefully placing the mass of nature on his head, he once felt at peace. Looking over at Wither, Skeleton just smiled.


And that's the first one! If you have any requests or situations, feel free to drop them in the comments.

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