~11~ er lügt

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I'm worried sick throughout the day, I don't think Travis returned to school. He wasn't in his usual seat at lunch, and I didn't see him in any classes.

Once school finishes, I hop into the passenger seat of Lisa's car,  It's red and super beaten up. Shockingly still works, though.
"sal, little dude." Larry says in his deep, raspy voice."Where have you been?"he asks.
"Oh, erm..." I mumble in response.
"You don't turn up to school, and neither dose Travis, and then Travis gets dragged from the school by Mr phelps," he says. "Come on, you think I wouldn't notice.

"Travis has been stopping with me," I say quitely. " he just wanted to be away from his dad,

"So , are you two...?" He asks, trailing off.
"Yes...." I say,"but don't tell anyone, and if I find out you have, you are dead,"

"Oh ok jeeze. I won't tell anyone. Do you know where he went, though?"

"I don't know where he went," I say.

"Oh no," Larry responds. I have nothing to add, so I just turn the music up. It's behemoth.


"Travis, my boy, come down stairs, please," I'm fear struck , I've never heard Father so happy, I slip downstairs.

Mother is sat on the sofa beside my dad. I sit on the small seat beside the coffee table.

"yes father" I say, looking at the man.

"Me and your mother are going to a church this weekend. it's a few towns over, and we are stopping for the weekend, " he says, smirking.

"Ok." I respond colder than ever.

"we leave tomorrow evening, and we'll be back either Monday evening or Tuesday morning," he says. " You're dismissed."

I stumble back up the stairs, a few creaking beneath my feet. i walk down the carpeted hallway . push open my worn wooden door.

I slump down onto my bed, and I'm lost.
I want to cry, god knows why, and I want sal. I want sal so bad it's almost painful. I hardly know him, and yet his presence is so warm, so comforting.

Warm tears pool in my eyes, I slip under my covers, and close my eyes as my head makes contact with my pillow. I sob, faint , shaken breaths leave my mouth as tears streak my flesh.

I doubt I'm going to be allowed at school tomorrow.

- 397 words -

just a short one because I've been going through alot lately and haven't had time nor motivation to update  <3

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