Chapter 15

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never thought morning sun felt this amazing before, I never imagined it felt this sweet and warm, I hated the morning sunlight *

Steve mumbled to himself as the sun rays filled the room and lit up the bed. It was bright and flashy. He groaned as he tried to get up on the bed when Ash pulled him close and hugged him tightly.

* Ughh ~ I can't breath, you're suffocating me, you crazy beast! *

He shouted on top of his lungs and smacked the sleeping Ash on the head. Ash's sleepy eyes jolted opened and he angrily glared at him,

* Hnm ~ What's wrong my sweet wife? *

Steve's face and cheeks flushed red and he looked aside,

* this beats *

he thought and gave Steve a slight push and he smirked slyly.

* I ~ I need to attend to my business *

he said in a very small tone. He got up hurriedly trying to run but his legs and back gave away painfully the moment he stepped on the floor, his legs were wobbly and he felt them hurt a lot.

* Damn it *

he shouted and cried out in pains and looked at Ash in pure rage.

* I hurt all over, I can't stand at all!!!! *

he yelled making Ash chuckle loudly.

* You're so cute *

Ash laughed and took him into his arms as he thought Steve's reactions and behavior was cute.

" Ha, what's going on with you? Huh!!! Don't you despise me?!! *

Steve asked Ash again staring seriously at him, Ash kept his mouth shut and said nothing. He felt frustrated of his silence,

* If you're going to continue on with your attitude, I find it unpleasant with you acting all caring now! *

Ash finally opened his mouth,

* I never said I was acting and why will I waste my time and energy doing that?! *

he replied to Steve as he walked with Steve in his arms to the couch and placed Steve gently in the couch. Steve grimaced in confusion and dazed at Ash's behavior. He may really love being treated nicely by Ash, but he was not yet ready to accept it.

Ash got ready to set off for his office after he had a steamy romantic morning with his adorable wife.

* See you later wifey *

Ash smirked and smiled at Steve as he hugged Steve and place a gentle kiss oh his forehead. Steve's face and cheeks were beet red, he was too shocked to react at Ash's new behavior which made the servants and butler dazed and stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes, their arrogant Playboy of a master is all of a sudden so gentle and he has greatly changed over night?. In their eyes, Steve was truly an angel sent from heaven to change their cruel master.

* This isn't right, he's acting so we'll. What's wrong with him? *

Steve's mind was filled with a lot of questions and thoughts, he gasped and chocked on his breath with Ash's surprised behavior.

Days passed by quickly and Ash had changed greatly, which Steve had come to get used to and love, he wasn't who he uses to be anymore, he treated Steve with outmost care and so lovingly, he was now considerate of Steve. He allowed Steve to freely leave the house without any escort, he gave Steve his freedom and gave home the permission to work as a florist, since Steve loves flowers so much he decided to do that to ease his boredom whenever Ash leaves for work, Steve really was happy of such changes from Ash, he didn't feel trapped anymore.

But everything came crashing down when Ash witnessed Steve being pushed against a wall by Zack,

* I will meet with you the next day *

Zack said and walked away leaving Steve nodding his head helplessly. Ash angrily stormed away from the scene.

* Why the hell was he with that man whore? Is he cheating on me?, Is he plotting against me? *

Ash's thoughts had terrorized half of his mind and the other half didn't want to doubt Steve anymore. For the first time, he felt helpless and defeated, he just didn't know what to do or what to make of what he saw. He decided to to drown himself in alcohol, he walked into his favorite bar and it seemed he was welcoming back his old habits, he drown himself in alcohol, shots after shots, he got so drunk that he started to stagger to his car.

Ash drove carelessly into the compound of the mansion a d parked his car, Steve's long wait had come to an end as he heard his husband's car in the compound, he quickly rushed from his room and down the stairs to the hall to welcome his husband. Steve was so shocked to find his husband in a messy and drunk state.

* Steve what happened ~ huh, you're wasted!!! *

he shouted angrily.

* Shut your mouth slut!!! I should've expected this from you! Slut!!! You're having an affair with the man whore while trying to coax me into handling the properties to your mom?!! *

Ash shouted which made him confused and shocked.

* What do you mean by that huh? *

Steve tried to hold Ash, but Ash harshly pushed him away.

* Don't f*cking touch me ~ you slut!! *

He angrily walked up the stairs to his separate room. Steve hurriedly walked after him,

* What did I do wrong, Ash?, What happened? *

he asked as he continued to rush after Ash when he received a deadly and cold glare from Ash.

* You'll always be a slut and a liar!! I will make you pay for this!! *

* Please at least tell me what happened... *

" PAK!!! "

Ash gave him a heavy slap across his face,

* What happened? Why the hell were you with that manw hore? huh? *

Ash harshly grabbed his jaw and pushed him to the wall.

* Man whore?, what are you talking about ~ aahhh ~ Ash*

Steve started to cough and struggle as Ash started to choke and strangle his neck. Steve was suffocating and breathless, he was slowly starting to loose strength and couldn't struggle out of Ash's grip, his eyes got ready and his breath was hitching.

* A ~ Ash ~ ughh ~ Wh ~ what happened... Ughh ~ all of a sudden ~ ughh *

he looked at Ash tearfully and Ash heartlessly let go of his neck. Steve fell to the floor coughing and catching his breath bitterly.

* Why were you with that man whore? *

Ash asked again shouting but Steve was still confused.

* Which man whore? *

his response angered Ash even more.

* So you have more than one man whore? You slut!, how many dicks do you suck up to?!!! *

Ash spat at him.

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