Chapter 7

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Ash groaned and fumed with anger, he clenched his fist, thinking of how Steve slapped him, he felt very humiliated by Steve a mere Skank .

* Don't think you've won, you will never be happy. *

He shouted out loud. He angrily got up as he groaned in pain, he stormed out of the room. Ash thrashed and kicked the things in his path as he walked out the house. He angrily got in his car and sped away. Steve trembled with fear as he hid in a corner of the bathroom, he curled himself up as he didn't have the strength to face his fears.

At nightfall, Steve washed himself and sobered up, He was having his diner when a maid came running,

* sir, Madam is on the phone, she demands to speak to you. *

She walked him to the phone and went on to continue with her chores. Steve shivered as he picked up the phone,

* Mom? *

he spoke anxiously,

* Baby, Ash is your legally and lawful husband, and if I'm informed again about him messing around other slutty men out there, you wouldn't like the consequences, I'll make you regret it, your only duty to me as his wife is to tame him. Perform well in your job. *

Steve's mother ordered coldly. He clenched the phone tightly fuming with anger,

* I-l- l understand m- mom *, he replied.

* Better go and get him back, you both need to attend your wedding party, it's already time, you'd better make it in time

he's mom ordered coldly, Steve placed the phone back and walked to the maid.

* l-l- I'm going to get him back *,

he said to the maid, the maid called upon the chauffeur who she instructed to take him.

* Master Steve, the boss might be in CLOUD 99, it's a club he usually go to *

the chauffeur voiced out and Steve forced himself to smile, he got in the backseat of the car and the chauffeur drove off. Steve kept thinking of what might happen when he meets up with Ash.

The car stopped in front of the club where only wealthy people could afford to fulfill their desires and get explicit satisfaction in life. Steve held himself as he entered, he was suddenly blocked by a man who was trying to start a conversation with him,

* handsome, are you new here?, do you want to join in? *

the man asked while pulling Steve by the waist, Steve pushed him away putting a distance between them.

* No, stop touching me! *

he quickly run off, he went in deep and came across a lounge were people were seated and gulping some wine and beers. There were both men and women seated on the laps of the rich men, he spotted Ash who had a guy in his arms as he gulped wine coldly.

* Ash, please stop doing this *

he voiced out to Ash who ignored him and suddenly kissed the guy he had in his arms, Steve walked to him and yanked the guy from his arms and the glass of wine he had in his hand was knocked out of his hand as Steve grabbed his hand. Ash was furious and coldly glanced at Steve, he harshly yanked his hand from Ash.

* Naff off *

he coldly said, but Steve wasn't going to give up that easily, he pulled Ash by the shirt and started to kiss him passionately and hungrily, Ash reeked so much of alcohol which Steve didn't find pleasant, but he had to keep Ash to himself. He was suddenly pulled by the waist by Ash who deepened the kiss, he sucked on Steve's tongue hungrily as they pushed and pulled each other with saliva. They both started to groan and moan in rhythm,

" Mmh ~ Angh ~ Ah ~ Mmh ~ Ggh ~ ",

their moans started to fill the lounge like music as Ash got more dominant and deepened the kiss more. Steve broke the kiss and gasped catching his breath,

* We need to attend the wedding party! *

he said to Ash.

* Ohhhh ..., We do? "..... let's do something else first *

Ash replied,

" H.. huh? " Steve was dumbfounded and speechless.

* Why don't we continue this in the car, then attend the party ~!!!! *

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