Ch. 19| Twinkle, Twinkle Little Me

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❤️🎄Christmas 🎄 ❤️


The company I work for wanted to give back to the community so they gave out free Christmas trees today. Before we got any real work done, we posted up on La Brea and gave trees out for four hours straight.

We still had extra trees left over so every employee that came out got one to take home.

The boss bought Olive Garden for lunch and made sure the entire team was fed. So not only did I get a free tree and a meal but a whole bunch of food to take home too.

After the give a way we all went right back to it. Boss man gave us overtime and double pay because it's Christmas Eve.

I know I told Diamond I wasn't going to work today but I need all the money I can get right now.

I got off around 12am, stopped at rite aide to get some Christmas lights and some ornaments cause I knew they'd be on sale and high tailed it all the way home.

Lord knows I'm tired but I need to set this tree up and get these presents wrapped so this girl can have a tree and some presents underneath it when she wakes up.

Diamond hasn't had a real Christmas in a while so I know she's going to love this.

Obviously I can't make up for everything she's missed out on but because I'm here now, going to try my best to make sure Auntie Dee and Diamond never go without anything they need.

I took my work boots off and left them outside like I normally do. I said it once and I'll say it again, ain't nobody in the hood trying to steal no work boots I know that for a fact.

I closed and locked both doors and sat the tree in the center of the living room.

"Hey" Auntie Dee said, causing me to jump a little.

"I didn't see you there" I laughed, "you didn't have to work a double tonight

"No I wanted make sure I was home for Christmas" she said.

She got up and turned the stove light on.

"When I got here Diamond was already asleep and I knew if I would've hopped in the bed I would've disturbed her so I settled on having a nice cup of tea in the dark until she got up to use the bathroom or something."

"That girl has been sleeping through the night every night and then some" I laughed, "her alarm doesn't even wake her up for school anymore."

"No not my Diamond" she chuckled.

"I can come home, shower, do a quick workout and watch a movie with the Tv on 60 and she wont budge" I laughed, "I remember I got us some burgers from Tam's and I ended up eating her food too because she wouldn't wake up."

"She hasn't slept like that in years" Auntie Dee said.

I pulled a chair out and sat across from her.

"You'd be surprised at how having something as simple as company can change a person."

She looked down and sighed.

"Oh no I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry" I told her, "it's just I've noticed Diamond isn't so on edge because she knows that someone is going to be home whether it be me or you. She's not left lonely nor worrisome anymore."

"No I know I haven't been there for Diamond" she started, "Her and I don't even talk as much as we used to because I'm always working."

"But she understands why you have to work so much."

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