Ch.13| Stolen Moments

461 27 10

(December 17th)
Big Bear, Day 1/7


"I did not come prepared for this" Diamond whined as she slid the van door open and got out.

"When Keion said it was going to be snowing I didn't think he met snowing, snowing" Lala complained.

"You two are a trip" I laughed.

The ride up here was only supposed to be two hours but about time we inched up in LA traffic it pushed us back an extra hour.

Keion's homie drove his girl, Lala, Keion, Lono and I up here in a van that Keion rented.

And I heard there's another group driving up here later in the afternoon but I don't know who that includes.

"Pop the trunk for me bro!" I told Keion's friend, Adam.

He pressed the button and the trunk opened.

I got mine and Diamond's bags and moved out of the way.

"Whatever you have in this backpack is going to be the death of my shoulder" I laughed.

"I have a little bit of everything" she joked.

I hung my duffel bag over my suitcase and hung her backpack on her suitcase and wheeled them both up the steps to the front door.

"The keys under the mat" Adam said as he retrieved the last bag from the trunk before closing it.

Him and his girl joined us at the top of the steps while Lono and Lala leaned up against the van laughing and flirting like elementary school kids.

It's too cold to be playing in somebodies face right now, I'm trying to be inside where I'm sure a fire place will be be.

Diamond got the key from under the mat and unlocked the door.

"Ooh this is nice" she said as we walked in.

"Keion did his thing with this one" I said as I walked in behind her.

When you first walk in there was a bar, to the right was a long floating stair case and behind the bar was a door that led to the kitchen.

"There's a note" Diamond said as we walked in the kitchen.

"Hey y'all, thanks for coming out for Nia and I. I don't know which group is reading this message first but if I had to bet money, I'd put it on Adam's group. Anyways, the house is big but there is going to be a lot of us so to find out which room is yours it'll be written on a card on the dresser of every room. I had to work today Nia and I will be there by tonight or maybe even the morning. The fridge is fully stocked so take advantage and remember this is a surprise for Nia. Thanks y'all. Keion"

"Let's go see our room" Lala and Diamond said in unison before running out of the kitchen.

"Come on Jada!" I heard Diamond yell from the hallway.

"I'll see you guys later" she said before rushing off to join with the girls.

"Fridge? Fully stocked?" Lono said as he walked over to refrigerator to check it out.

"Dang he was not exaggerating" Adam said.

"I'll cook dinner tonight" Lono offered.

"You know how to cook bro?" Adam asked.

"He gets down! The whole family can burn!"

Our family may be dysfunctional but one thing they did teach all the boys and girls is how to cook, clean and to take care of our stuff.

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