Ch.7| The Right Company Helps Heal Misery Too

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"I missed you baby" Malika said as we walked around the mall hand in hand.

"I missed you too" I smiled.

I came back to Cali because I was homesick. I'm almost done with college and I should be used to being on my own but I'm not.

Freshman year I had all the friends that anyone could think of and now I'm down to one close homie and he has a girl that goes to our school too so most of his time is tied up.

My girl is here and the rest of my friends are too, it just isn't fun anymore without them.

A couple of days before my flight, I asked my professors if I could submit my assignments through email and they all agreed. My statistic Professor encouraged me to take as much time as I needed and that's what I'm going to do.

"Oh my gosh look at those heels!" Malika exclaimed as she stopped in front of some random shoe store.

"You want 'em?" I asked.

"Oh please, please, please" she begged.

"Baby chill out, you know I got you" I told her.

Malika had a bad habit of begging when she didn't have to. Whatever she wants, I got it.

We went in the store, and she immediately got the shoe off of the display and took it to one of the employees to see if they had her size.

I, on the other hand had to take a seat because it seems like all Malika wants to do when I get home is shop until she drops and I can't hang.

"Q?" Someone said causing me to look up.

"Aye wassup James" I stood to my feet to dap him up.

"My main man Quincy" he said, "you ain't tell me you were in town."

"I've been here for a week and some change; I'm just trying to chill and enjoy some time with my girl" I told him.

"Yeah, you and Diamond always did make a cute couple, how is lil mama doin anyway?" He asked.

"Aw Nah man me and Diamond aren't together, that's just my homegirl" I told him.

"I always thought you two were together, everybody did that's why nobody pushed up on her" he added.

"We heard that all the time but nope we've just been cool for forever" I told him.

"So, is she still a free agent?"

"You still bout 7 years older than her?"

"I digress" he added.

"That's what I thought" I snapped.

"Speaking of Diamond, who's ole boy she been kicking it with?"

"Who? My brother?" I asked him.

"I know who Keion is, I'm talking about homie that's always hanging with them dudes from Schoolyard."

"I don't know nobody from that side of town" I told him.

"Well he's trouble and if babygirl knows what's best for her, she'd stay away from him" he said.

"I'll talk to her" I told him, "Good looking."

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