🍃🍂:: Wenona !

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requested by :: currifyyy

themes :: first meet ,, possible alliance ,, friendship (?) ,, business partners ,, implied date

summary :: Wenona was taking a well deserved "break". By that, she was examining other famous business companies. What she didn't expect was running into him, the Ultimate Business Analyst. Surely she wouldn't disrupt Wenona's day of rest. Surely!

Ultimate :: Business Analyst ,, Pronouns :: he/she ,, Gender: gender-neutral


  Wenona stared at the huge building standing before her. 

  Not once in her life did she ever take a break. It was work, help others, and more work. To be honest, she didn't know what 'break' even was. Maybe she was just a workaholic. Either way, her manager couldn't stand it. They talked about how she was over working herself to the point of exhaustion. She didn't understand. All she did was work till night's end, what's so wrong about that? 

  Either way, she was kicked out of her own office to catch a vacation. Imagine being kicked out of your own space?! The audacity of her manager was nerve wrecking... Wenona sighed. Lucky for her, she knew this would happen eventually. Planning for a small secret get away from her own job was pathetic for her, but it was to be done. Besides, her next action would certainly benefit her company.

  Whispers erupted as Wenona entered the establishment. She was used to it, of course. Being an entrepreneur had people talking about you left and right. But today was especially loud. Voices, all talking about her.

"Why is she here?"
"What is she to show her face... Pathetic."
"Is she here for the other Ultimate person here? It must be a coincidence..."

  Now that last one caught her attention. Another Ultimate, they said? It was rare for Ultimates to be in proximity unless it's a big event. Yet for two Ultimates that possibly have similar talents. Now, she thought that was rare. Maybe now was a good time to find a new possible business partner. It would certainly benefit her and the unknown Ultimate.

  As she continued walking the busy halls, she didn't notice that someone was running. Running, straight at her!-- 

  The two collided, with the other person dropping all of their papers. She fell on her butt, the crash not hurting her as much as the one before her. Honestly, she didn't care. But what could she do? If she didn't help him up, her reputation would go down the drain. So Wenona extended her hand out as soon as she was able. Now, here's the catch. That very person didn't react to her offer! Instead, she helped himself up!

  "Sorry... I wasn't looking." He seemed distracted, picking up the papers she had dropped. "I'll pay you back, I promise. Just let me fix these all up, I need to go now. Give me your number and I'll treat you dinner." 

  Wenona was left confused, but ended up giving her number anyway. It was amusing watching a stranger stumble and fall in front of her, even though she was the reason it happened in the first place. Apologizing even though it wasn't his fault. Normally she'd feel bad, but it just made her more intrigued. Who was this person, and why were they so, so... amusing? 

  She watched as they ran away, the papers occasionally going up high into the roof before falling back down. It was almost comedic. Now that she thought about it, they never got her name. It was almost embarrassing. Imagine having dinner with someone whose name is just full of question marks.

  Either way, she needed to find the Ultimate everyone was talking about. It would be nice to just, you know, find someone with similar interests? They'd talk endlessly about their hardships and work to get to the top of the industry. It sounded fun in her eyes. She imagined that person being confident in their skills. Maybe they could even be friendly rivals. Even better, collaborators.

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