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Hi hi! Since this is the first time I'm writing these kinds of books, I'd like to put a few ground rules.

1 .. I will only do: 

☆ Angst
☆ Fluff
☆ Hurt/Comfort
☆ Hurt/No Comfort

I will not do:

☆ Smut

2 .. Please specify pronouns, gender, personality, and other important info you'd think I need.

2 ..5 Ultimate is optional!

3 .. Multiple characters (romantically) are only for headcanons/scenarios ! I will only do one character at a time for oneshots. 

4 .. Specific ideas or not, it's fine by me!

5 .. Updates may be slow, I'm a busy person :)

6 .. Mischaracterization may appear as we only have the prologue available!

7 .. Please tell me if it's romantic or platonic! I'll need it for future reference.

rules will be further updated in the future :)

I will only accept Toshiko requests if its platonic.

No Mara and Goat guy .

You can ask requests here in the comments or ask me in discord: remorri#8295


♡ Dark Mode !
♡ 3rd font size ,, serif .
♡ Scrolling

@remorri ,, 2023

🌻:: Miracles. . . Project: Edens Garden || requests are closed!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن