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Donghyuck helped pour oil onto the frying pan, Renjun seemed to have a lot of trouble doing it himself.

"And how long do I cook chicken for?" Renjun grabbed a raw slice of chicken, holding it away from him in disgust.

"The word is fry, Renjun, and you fry it until it's not pink," Donghyuck scoffed, turning the stove on to heat the oil.

"And that is approximately how long in minutes?"

"Don't know? Just fry until it's done."

"I swear if I give us both food poisoning, it's not my fault," Renjun glared at Donghyuck, his eyes narrowing.

Donghyuck smiled, even if Renjun was trying to be intimidating he still came off as adorable. Overtime, Renjun had dyed his hair back to his natural colour, a dark brown, and cut it to a shorter length which Donghyuck was upset about at the beginning, but later realised how much cuter it makes Renjun look. Cuteness aside, the man could not cook. Cooking is a basic skill everyone should know, so Donghyuck started to teach Renjun how to cook much later into their relationship, but he seemed to never catch onto recipes, let alone do them right.

"It kinda is, bubs," Donghyuck gestured for Renjun to put the chicken into the pan.

Renjun dropped the chicken in, a loud hiss from the frying pan came in return.

"I hate when it spits," Renjun cringed when a droplet of hot oil landed onto his arm.

Domghyuck didn't reply, just looking at Renjun.

"What?" Renjun furrowed his eyebrows while rubbing the spot where he was 'burnt.'

"What do you mean what? Am I not allowed to admire you?"

"Oh... That's what you were doing..." Renjun got a little pink, "So uh... What do I do?"


"It's white inside!"

"It's burnt," Donghyuck sighed, amused rather than angry.

"I'd rather overcooked than undercooked, I don't know about you?" Renjun shrugged, really chewing on the chicken.

"I guess that's true? At least we know what to improve on in the future," Donghyuck added a little sauce to his chicken to make it taste a little less dry.

"Ok enough about cooking, I think I might loose it," Renjun groaned, "So... Four years in two months?"

Donghyuck smiled, four years with Renjun was unbelievable to him. It felt like just yesterday when Donghyuck saw him eating a sandwich on the dirty ground. Donghyuck will never let Renjun forget about that.

"Maybe in two months time, we eat cheese and butter sandwiches for dinner?"

"You just can't survive without mentioning that, huh?" Renjun sank into his chair, putting his knife and fork down.

"Nope. Why, got a better idea?"

Renjun pouted while looking up at the ceiling before back at Donghyuck, "How about dinner at the city, and we finish of the night with some good old vanilla sex?"

"We do that every year, bubs."

"Fine. Dinner at the beach? There's a steakhouse next to that one beach I've been wanting to try."

"Better, as long as we get to go to the beach after."

"I'm not swimming."

"When do you ever swim?" Donghyuck chewed onto his fork, probably not the best thing to do to your teeth.

in a dream. - renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now