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Donghyuck was in the park where him and Renjun visited a while back. From afar, Donghyuck saw a figure on the swing, it turned around and called for him.

"Donghyuck! Come here, help push me!"

Donghyuck felt his eyes burn from tears threatening to slip, "Renjun you fucking idiot!"

Donghyuck ran to the swing set and hugged Renjun as well as he could when he was seated on a swing.

"Woah calm down... I know I left without explanation, but I begged the higher ups to see you one last time to say goodbye and good luck."

"Higher ups? You know what, I'm not even gonna ask..." Donghyuck sighed, "You better start explaining now."

"Well... You've gotten over your biggest problems, I'm no longer needed. That's the simple way to say it, I can't stay forever I'm so sorry, Hyuck."

"So... Because I've fixed everything in my life, I have to loose you?"

"Yeah, that's basically how it goes," Renjun shrugged, "I'm so sorry I didn't say bye earlier, I didn't know it would end so fast."

"Whatever, I have you right here with me now. I also have the other you, sometimes I wonder if you two are really the same person."

Renjun raised his eyebrows, "Me? Speaking about 'me,' you've found someone new?"

"I have, the other you was just too hard to resist," Donghyuck sighed, "I've fallen deeply in love. I've never felt so much... Just... Attraction to someone."

"Good to hear," Renjun nodded, "I promised I wouldn't be long... I'm sorry Hyuck, but I gotta leave."

Donghyuck sighed, understanding, "It's fine, I'm happy I got to see the person who helped me through my problems one last time."

"Thanks," Renjun smiled, "Goodbye for real now, Hyuck. It's been a pleasure to know you. Just know, out of everyone I've worked with, you were my favourite. You were the first to give me a name too."

Donghyuck bit back a smile, "Wow... Goodbye, Renjun. I'll miss you. I can never thank you enough for everything you've said and done."

"It's fine, I get it. Hyuck, wake up."


Donghyuck woke up, not recognising his surroundings before realising he was just in Renjun's bed.

"Hyuck..." Renjun suddenly grabbed onto his arm, making Donghyuck turn around, "You're awake."

"Yes I am," Donghyuck mumbled, ruffling Renjun's hair.

Renjun hummed and crawled onto Donghyuck to rest his head onto his chest, "I love you, Hyuck. Be my boyfriend."

Domghyuck scoffed to himself, "Demanding much? But yes, I am willing to be your boyfriend."

"Good," Renjun sighed in relief, "Honestly, after spending the entire night kissing and making out with you, if you were to say no to me I think I would've cried till' I died."

in a dream. - renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now