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Donghyuck looked up into the night sky. The stars shined brighter than usual, it was beautiful. Stars were a rare occurrence in the city, and when they did appear they were nowhere near that vibrant. The sound of the waves crashing against the sand calmed Donghyuck down. It was refreshing, if only he could stay here for the rest of his life. The beach was a place that calmed him, ever since he was a child.

"Hey, Hyuck. How's the relationship?" Renjun tapped Donghyuck's shoulder.



"I don't know? Still in it. You tell me what to do, Renjun." Donghyuck turned to his side, watching Renjun's expression change to a confused one.

"Sorry? Huh?"

"I know who you are. Your name is Renjun." Donghyuck spoke with a monotone, lately he's been giving dream Renjun the sarcasm treatment, maybe he'll give it up sooner or later.

"Whatever you say and want, Hyuck," Renjun shrugged, "About your relationship... I won't tell you. You figure that out yourself, what do you want, what do you think is right?"

Donghyuck looked back into the sky, directly at the full shining moon. He inhaled deeply, the salty air was strangely addicting, it helped clear his brain, "I think I'll break up, I just don't know how?"

"You'll know how when the time is right, Hyuck."

"Renjun... I ask this question a lot, but you never answer. Why are you always here, in my dreams?"

Renjun cleared his throat, "Some questions can't be answered, Hyuck. All I can say is, everything happens for a reason."

"Everything happens for a reason," Donghyuck repeated, processing everything being told to him.

"Donghyuck, you look more tired and worn out each day. I think you should stay here for a little longer, you deserve a bit of a rest."

"Trust me Renjun, if I knew how to control staying or leaving these dreams, I'd stay here with you forever. Even if I barely know you."

"With me? I find that flattering. Too bad you can't get everything you want in this world," Renjun slid his fingers between Donghyuck's, "Not even in dream world," He squeezed Donghyuck's hand, resting his head onto Donghyuck's shoulder.

"Renjun you know I still have a boyfriend, it isn't over yet."

"Showing affection isn't always romantic, Hyuck. Have you really been that deprived from physical touch?" Renjun joked, but it was true, Donghyuck was deprived from just regular affection.

"Maybe I have..." Donghyuck tilted his head carefully to meet Renjun's. Together they watched the dark sapphire blue waves go back and forth beneath the night sky. The water shimmered under the moon.

"You'll find the right person sooner or later. Good people always end up getting rewarded with good things."

"Thank you, Renjun." Donghyuck sighed, feeling his eyes stinging. Tears began to fall from Donghyuck's eyes, he was tired of holding them back.

"Donghyuck, it's been nice, but you have to wake up."

"Renjun..." Donghyuck whispered, his voice unsteady and cracking.


"Please don't leave me..."


in a dream. - renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now