one. (prologue?)

Comincia dall'inizio

"I don't care." Felix shrugs, waiting for me to pick up my things. "It's not like they are going to punish us, you just graduated." He says with a smile.

"Still," I say, standing up to face him. "It's a little rude."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He puts a hand to his chest. "I apologize, dearly." He looks at me with a genuine look that makes me think he actually is apologizing.

I give him a look, which causes him to break and smile. He interlocks our arms as we begin to walk out of the room, and I just chuckle at his behavior on such a day.

"Hey," he starts suddenly, as we enter the hall. "Did you ever send in that email to the group?"

He looks to me expectantly. I nod my head. "Yeah, I did." I say. "I got an email back from some Chan guy, I'm guessing he's the man you told me about?"

"The leader, yeah." He says with a smile. "And that's great! I'm so excited that you might join. He confronted me last night about the email, and I told him to just trust me with your skill."

"I hope you didn't bribe him." I say, holding the door open for the both of us. "I don't want to only get in because I have a connection, that would mess with my head."

We walk out of the glass doors, entering the evening atmosphere. The sun is going down, and you can hear the birds chirping as we walk across the parking lot arm in arm. It's peaceful. I love the evening.

"No, of course not." Felix shakes my head. He finally pulls away from me and just walks next to me. "I showed him a few of the dances you posted on YouTube, and he says you have potential."

I press unlock on my car keys. I stop in front of my car and think for a second, before I chuckle. "Potential? Does that mean he thinks I'm bad currently?"

I don't get to hear Felix's noise of denial, as I get into my car. He opens the door as well, hopping in the car with a frown. "No, I bet that's not what he means. But, if it is, you have to be understanding." He buckles his seatbelt.

I start the car, looking in my mirror to back out of the parking spot. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" I put the car in drive and begin to pull away.

"Because it's a professional dance team." Felix says, looking to me with a knowing look. "And I don't mean this in any way but supportively; you just graduated. You have to understand that this group has been around before you even got into college."

"Okay, yeah I get that." I say, accepting that he actually is right. "But, that means it's been around before you did too," I say. "So how did you get in when you were still in college?"

I don't mean to come off as rude, and I know he knows that. He is completely right, I don't have any genuine experience with being on a team like this. Which is why I'm asking how he got in, so I know what to do.

"See this is where we differ," he says, chuckling. "I got in because my professor recommend me to them. They were in desperate need of another member, and took me in with pure hope I would reach their level after practicing."

He turns to look at me, with a more serious expression now. "But.. they don't need any new members now. The seven of us are in sync and fit together, which is why it might be harder to get in for you. I recommend you because I think you seriously might fit, but some of the members are scared that I might be wrong. They are just uptight, so I really need you to do your best at the meeting."

He takes my empty hand, holding it in his. I turn to him, and look down to the hands. I sigh, and look back to him. "Okay, I understand. I will try my best," I lift our interlocked hands. "For you."

He smiles, his cheeks reddening. He looks down to his lap where our hands lay now. "Okay."

"Okay." I smile, and turn my attention back to the road.

"I just want this so badly for you." Felix says, and starts to use his other hand to fiddle with both of our interlocked ones.

"I know," I say. "And that's why I'm going to try my best. Seriously. I'll make it in, and everything can work out for us. Just like we have always planned, right?"

He chuckles. "I forgot about our plans."

I smile and nod. "I remember it everyday, and it scares me that I might not be able to make it." I say, before turning to him. "I hate you for being so perfect, why must you get into such a good group?"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Your just as good, if not better." He says. "I can't believe I even got in, but I can believe that you will."

"Let's just hope your beliefs are correct." I say, turning into the apartment complex. "If not I might go insane and just.. die."

"Don't say that." He whines.

I smile. I put the car into park after getting in my slot, pulling my hand away from Felix's so we can get out. We both walk up to the elevator after gathering everything from today, continuing to talk about what expectations I have to meet in order to get in.

It's a lot of stress, if I'm being honest. I made a promise to Felix years ago, and I am one to keep promises. I'm not going to mess up everything we have had planned just because I can't meet a few expectations. If I have too, I will practice day and night for this.

We exit the elevator and walk down the corridor, giggling at each other. We go from talking about serious topics to the most absurd things ever, and I love it. I love how I can be myself with him.

Me and Felix have had a strange past. We went from strangers, to friends, to strangers- to friends again. We even have had a stage in between where I confessed my feelings, however they were not mutual. I admit, it hasn't been easy to keep him in my life. But I want him in my life, because he asked me to promise I would stick around forever when we made up, and I agreed.

So here we are, laughing that I can't find my keys to the apartment. "Oh come on, I swear it was in my pocket when I left." I groan, patting down my pockets for the third time.

"Hyunjin." He whines with a smile. "Why do you always do this!"

"I do not." I glare at him.

He just continues to giggle, while I continue to panic while patting myself down. I give up and let out a groan. "Screw it, I'll just call the landlord tomorrow and ask her to unlock the door."

I begin to frown, and Felix just smiled as he stares at me. He sighs, "So.. my place then?" He tilts his head at me, and I give up with a slow nod.

He giggles, and grabs my hand. "Let's go, dummy." He pulls me down the hall.

I let him take me. "I am not dumb, I just am forgetful." I say, before taking a few steps to catch up to him.

He pulls me closer to him, leaning his head on my shoulder. "Whatever helps you sleep at night. I don't want tor stress you out before your big day."

I smile, and lift my arm to put it around him. "Thank you."

"You should be thanking me more times than once," he says, and presses the elevator button. "I'm like your guardian angel at this point."

"Let's just leave it at my angel," I say, stepping into the elevator. I look down at him. "Sometimes I think I guard you more than anything."

He chuckles, rolling his eyes at me. He starts to smile though, as he watches the floor number that is displayed. "Okay, whatever Hyunjin." He says mockingly.


hi lol 🤗

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