Chapter 10: Beginning Journey

Start from the beginning

She heard Mario sigh, catching her attention. The man looked outside, seeming content with the sight. Peach turned around to face the smiling hills and colorful buildings that make up her home. She will forever be grateful they were spared the destruction, but sympathetic to those who were not so lucky. Peach tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, readying to speak but was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps. Queen Bean approached her, churning a snifter of glowing brandy within her large grasp. Mario put his hand on his chest and bowed; the muscular matriarch returned the sign of respect. The man excused himself and walked away.

"You did well, Princess Peach," said the queen.

Princess twisted her glass. "Thank you, Queen Bean. For your words and for coming all this way for support," was her response.

Queen Bean chuckled softly. "Simply because my kingdom was not ransacked like the others does not mean I should not involve myself," she responded. "My star-daughter asked for my guidance, and I fully intend to provide aid."

Queen Bean patted her head with a soft smile and complete control of her strength. Peach leaned against her hand, her smile growing. The elder monarch laughed once again before withdrawing her hand. The young Mushroom princess was pulled back to her Starlight Bathing, the day she was placed beneath the Power Star and blessed with her gifts. Queen Bean had been present that day and named her star-mother as she was the closest ally to her parents and their best friends. And to this day, she has upheld her oath to her late parents that she will guide Peach to become the best ruler she can be. Peach was so happy she could make it to the trial; her presence stabilized her nerves.

Suddenly a blur of movement piqued her curiosity. She caught the last movements of Luigi as he exited the ballroom; it looked like he was carrying something. And Peach was not the only one to notice this. She watched from a distance as Mario turned his head toward the doors, then swiftly followed, quietly excusing himself as some of the guests tried to get his attention. Peach placed her glass down, "Pardon me, Queen Bean. Something has come to my attention," she said. Her star mother nodded and turned her head as she savored her beverage.

Peach grabbed her skirts and exited the ballroom, stopping to tell the Toads to cut the influx of alcohol before she stepped through the doors. She paused for a moment, listening to the sound of footsteps. The princess could sense another set of steps much further ahead. That must be Luigi... he's heading to his room, she thought. Peach opted to follow slowly, curious about the brother's behavior.


Luigi reached his bedroom and quickly whistled the signal before stepping in. Junior emerged from under his bed. "Luigi!"

The man in green smiled. "Hey there, ometto! I'm so sorry I took so long," he said.

The man ruffled his hair. He squatted down and showed him the plate of food with a smile. Junior cheered and wagged his tail. The two sat down on the floor, using the bed as back support; this has become customary for them at this point. Junior grabbed a sweet bun, then paused. He ripped the pastry in a half and offered it to Luigi. His caretaker beamed at the gesture and gleefully took the offer. Junior inhaled his part, "So... what's going on with my dad?" he asked.

Luigi put his plate down. "I-I actually h-have some good news for you: your dad's being let go."


The little boy jumped up so quickly, his plate would have gone flying had Luigi not grabbed it. Junior jumped up and down, shooting small sparks of flames into the air. His eyes crinkled as he smiled; this is the happiest he's ever seen him. He was even making that high-pitched laser beam noise. Luigi gently lifted him. "Up-up-up. But there's a catch."

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