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Winterfell was a bit cold. But it was beautiful up North. Forests and miles of land. The castle wasn't the biggest in Westeros but it was built around the biggest and most ancient Godswood. That was what Alyssa was truly excited to see.

The courtyard was big enough for Cannibal, thankfully, and Alyssa landed him without a problem. He couldn't stay there but Cannibal rested for a moment, shaking himself off from the cold.

She dismounted and pet him, praising him before she sent him away to find a place to rest. In the forest somewhere.

They'd been expecting her. Household knights bowed to Alyssa and beckoned her to follow them.

Alyssa was taken to the Great Hall. Massive doors made of wood and Iron that creaked as they opened. And thankfully, it was much warmer inside than out.

She'd never met Lord Cregan, or anyone from the North, really. Alyssa knew they were around the same age but he was already widowed with a son. She wondered what he'd be like.

The actual hall was ridiculously massive. 

It was made of grey stone and the walls of the hall were decorated with various banners. At the end of the hall, on a raised platform, was the high seat. Of old Kings in the North. The seat was made of cold stone, which had been polished, and its massive arms were decorated with the carved heads of direwolves.

She found Lord Cregan almost immediately. Sitting at the end of the hall in his throne, the advisors of his court standing around him.

Ah, Alyssa thought. There's the pretty boy father promised.

He was beautiful. Big and bulky. Alyssa could see it even in the tunic and furs he wore around his shoulders. Lord Cregan's hair was long, to his shoulder she would've guessed. But he wore up that day, pulled to the back of his head.

And the beard. Fuck, his beard. Full and perfect unlike the patchy little hairs other men tried to grow.

But maybe the most beautiful thing about Lord Cregan was his eyes. Like Alyssa, his were unusual. Piercing. Stormy grey eyes that watched her as soon as she walked into the hall.

So very pretty. Maybe meeting him made the whole tour worth it. Even if it was just for a little while.

When she got closer, Lord Cregan stood from his throne and walked forward. He met Alyssa at the steps, his eyes looking over her. Alyssa almost shivered, especially when he gave her a smile.

Lord Cregan reached forward and took the hand Alyssa offered. "Princess," he said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles. It was respectful, she knew that. But damn if it didn't make her cheeks flush. "Welcome to Winterfell."

Alyssa returned the sentiment, smiling kindly, maybe a little seductively, at him. Just a little bit. "Thank you, my Lord. I've only been here mere moments and I've already felt your gracious spirit."


The Lord smiled and gently lowered Alyssa's hand. "We have a number of suitors eager to put themselves forward for your hand. But to assure we don't bore you, there's a tourney planned for the end of the week. I do hope you'll stay for the festivities," he explained, letting Alyssa know there weren't only men arriving to vie for her hand in marriage.

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