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Laena and Daemon were right. Their lives would become more hectic as Alyssa grew. Because she grew smarter, she grew more cunning and aware of those around her.

Although she didn't know many things, she picked up on many things. Each year she grew, she looked more and more like her namesake. Beautiful and unique. Others noticed it. And Alyssa knew it.

Her sisters were also growing. One, two, and three. Rhaena's egg hadn't hatched, which was an indicator it would never. But as young as she was, she didn't truly notice. Even if she was jealous of her sister's hatchling.

Still, Alyssa was close to them. She also utilized them when she realized they were just like her. The girls began a habit of convincing their parents they were the other. They had many of the maids and servants fooled, despite the fact that they weren't identical. But Daemon and Laena were always able to tell them apart.

Even so, Alyssa often used those girls to get what she wanted. She could send them on missions, as distractions, to do things that she wanted to do. Take something she wasn't supposed to, sneak away from the residence to go ride Cannibal on her own.

She did it so often that as soon as the twins walked somewhere together, they immediately started to look for Alyssa. Trouble was her middle name when she was eight, nine and ten.

As well, she was fully fluent in Valyrian. Which meant secret conversations.

Alyssa liked to use her status to get things for free in the city. Often, she could bring up her dragon and his name and people would give her things. Gifts. If she would bless them and their future.

Of course, she agreed.

Daemon was amused by it all.

But especially by the way she was able to pick up on the fact that the Prince of Pentos was obviously trying to garner favour. With her and with Daemon.

Never in a million years would she agree to marry him. Many would tell her she didn't have a choice if her father gave someone her hand.

Alyssa knew Daemon wouldn't marry her to someone so ugly or so old. And he wouldn't marry her without her approval. That had been done to him; he wouldn't do that to her. Because she wouldn't have the liberty he did to only bed his wife once.

So she used his obvious desperation to get herself gifts of jewelry and gold. High-quality gifts from all over Essos. Alyssa enjoyed using others for her own gain very much. At least, those who deserved it.

After all, what honourable man was eager to compliment and marry a ten-year-old?

At ten. That's what Alyssa enjoyed doing at ten. Getting herself material gifts and caring for her sisters.

It seemed to run in the family. Not caring for law or tradition.

But when Alyssa was more comfortable flying on Cannibal and could do it for longer, the family made their first trip to see Laena's parents since they left King's Landing.

Well, Laena, Baela, Rhaena, and Alyssa. Daemon wasn't quite welcome at High Tide by Rhaenys, so he stayed back in Pentos.

The flight was long. Especially since Alyssa would be the one taking care of Rhaena on the way. But she'd been practicing long flights and Rhaena was better behaved than Baela.

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