Stick With It

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When growing up I've pushed myself to get better. I understand those people who have to fake a smile every day, but I say if you laugh without having the thought of whatever is depressing you, then you aren't completely depressed. In other words, if you have something to laugh about then STICK. WITH. IT. If it's friends, YouTube videos, books, music, or ANYTHING else. Then stick with it. If it makes you happy then you have found a place where you realize that you are not depressed. So whatever it is that makes you happy is a chance that you will stay happy.

In my world friends are the things that make me feel better. I admit there will be days that I feel like not even my friends will help with my depression, so I have a backup. Music. If that doesn't work, then Wattpad. I have made a list of the things that will make me feel better. So if you need to then MAKE. THAT. LIST! That way if a few of the things don't help, then you will ALWAYS have a backup. :)

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