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Alison's POV

I sit with my posse of girls surrounding me at one end of a long table by a window in the canteen of Rosewood High, the other end of the table completely empty as no one would dare try sitting with Alison Dilaurentis at lunch, unless invited specifically by me. Aria Montgomery is sat to my right, a black chunky necklace hung over her collarbones, with (in my opinion) a hideous bejewelled bird pendant hanging off of the end of it. Her hair is dark brown, with layers, and hangs below her shoulders onto her black lace dress, which she has paired with striped knee high socks. It is safe to say we have very different taste in fashion. Spencer Hastings is to my left. She, as usual, is dressed as if she is about to give a campaign speech in the running for President of the United States. A fitted black blazer with gold buttons and squared off shoulders, worn over a white blouse which is tucked into a plaid skirt, paired with white knee high socks. She sits with her head held high and her back straight, like nothing could get to her. But I know that behind the act she puts on, she is about to erupt with stress from the pressure of the upcoming exam season. Opposite Smarty Spencer is Hanna Marin. A seemingly rich blondie with expensive taste in clothing, sunglasses sat on her head, holding back her curled hair. You'd think she was the type of girl who uses daddy's money and has a perfect home life. But really, she spends her weekends avoiding mall security cameras while 'shopping' for free. Then, opposite me, there is Emily Fields. Her dark chocolate hair is silky, flowing down her shoulders and onto her chest. She has tanned flawless skin, and deep brown eyes. She is wearing black tight fitted jeans, with rips at each knee, with an oversized white t-shirt, which is hidden by her grey Rosewood Sharks hoodie. She is tall, 5ft 8, and being the captain of the Rosewood Sharks swim team, her body is amazing. Emily is the only one out of these girls that doesn't need me. The other girls need me to be popular or liked in this school. Whether it is because of their questionable dress sense (Aria), nerdy teacher's pet reputation (Spencer), or the fact they spent summers at fat camp (Hanna), the rest of the girls would be nothing without my help. But Emily has this laid-back way about her. She has the it-girl face without the it-girl personality, which is intriguing. The idea that she doesn't need me makes me want her more .

We are talking about Noel Khan's party which is on Friday after school. Up there, with me, at the top of Rosewood High's social hierarchy, is Noel, who is a sporty, rich, tall dark and handsome boy who's parties are known as the event of the semester. They are at his Cabin out in the woods, which is on huge grounds, with so many rooms you feel as if you could get lost, some with pool tables and large couches that everyone crowds on for drinking games. It is invite only, and of course I am always invited. That goes without saying. My girls are invited as my plus ones, not that they're as natural as me when it comes to partying and mixing with Noel's older brother Eric's friends.

The girls are going around the table, talking about what they are going to wear, but it is going in one ear and out the other as I sit in a daze thinking about the outfit that I already bought, and debate what heels I am going to pair it with. I bought a hot pink silk dress, with thin bedazzled straps, which match my swarovski crystal earrings and tennis bracelet. On the other wrist, of course, I have my purple woven friendship bracelet, which I have matching with the rest of the girls, each of ours spelling out our name in white. My attention is suddenly brought back to the group when Emily details her navy blue fitted dress, which is strapless and has cups on the chest.

"Lightly curled hair, bronzy makeup, crystal stud earrings..." She lists but is cut off by Aria-

"And what shoes?"

"I- I'm not sure, I'll probably just wear converse"

The girls all try and talk her into a pair of heels, suggesting what would look good and describing pairs that they have at home, offering her to borrow them for the party. But I know Em, I know what she likes and I like how she dresses

"I think it's cute, Em" I say, which is followed by a silence from the table and a small, shy smile from Emily.

Emily's POV:

I cant help but let out a smile. Alison never gives compliments. Sometimes in an obvious attempt to make you feel good because she wants something from you, but rarely genuine ones. She sometimes lets me see this nice side of her, the side she hides. It makes me feel special, like she just wants me to see that side. I probably overthink these things. I don't even know why I'm overthinking the fact that I might be overthinking! Why do I care so much about how Alison sees me? I don't think these things about Aria, Spencer and Hanna. I think Alison just seems mysterious. You never know which Alison is going to turn up to school each day- the girl who makes you feel seen or the girl who makes you want to hide away. And when it's the girl who makes me feel this way, it's my favourite feeling, so I hold on for more.

"Converse it is" I smile at Ali, as the rest of the girls sit back in their chairs as their suggestions are instantly shut down.

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