Chapter 59 Enter The City of Pleasure

Start from the beginning

      "I see," Lyse looked skeptically. "Exactly in what methods does she chooses to exercise her cruelty?"

       "Do not take her lightly, young godslayer," he said. "Her machinations were able to defeat your father, manipulate him so thoroughly that he was forced to fight the other godslayers, including your mother. He was in her trance, believing that it was she who his lover was and that he must protect her from his comrades. Only you're mother could stop it before anyone was killed, but Aphrodite escaped in the chaos."

      The winds stirred, making the flames flicker over John's still face. Lyse knew that he was trying to instill within him the caution his mother no doubt wished to convey. And it was working. If his father could fall to such things and be made to fight his fellow godslayers, the same could happen to him and Ryan. Both of them could fall into Talin's hands.

      "How did my mother break my father from her control?" he asked.

      "She hasn't informed me of that," he said. "But I can make a theory that perhaps Athena's blessing of wisdom was able to override Aphrodite's enchantments."

     "Then I should be able to do the same," Lyse tapped the pendant around his neck. "I've already resisted her manipulation before; surely I can do so to more significant effect if she attempted the same."

      "Lyse . . ."

       "Ryan has the abilities of Aphrodite, but he is very much a novice in that regard," Lyse began to consider. "Then perhaps I should face her alone."

     "Perhaps you are missing the point of this warning, Lyse?"

     "Yes, yes, I understand that I must approach with caution; thank you," he said. "Unless you have another idea to defeat her."

     John chuckled. "I suppose not. Your mother simply wanted you not to engage her at all, but it looks like you are eager to throw yourself into danger."

      "Of course, I shall engage with caution," he said. "But I am not leaving her in that city, where she can resume her deeds unabated. We will deal with her swiftly and then return to Silondras. Tell her that, John."

     "I very much doubt that will put your mother at ease, but very well." John stood, beginning to wander into the cold desert. "Peace be with you, young godslayer. May your next encounter spell victory."

      "It must be," Lyse said softly as the mage disappeared into the darkness of night. "I have no other choice but to be victorious."


      They saw the skyline of Antalya on the far horizon. Something was wrong, very wrong. This feeling, he knew, wasn't his natural sense, not at all. They were perception gifted to him by the pendant he wore around his neck. Now, is able to receive the power of gods. And as he turned to Lyse next to him, he was confirmed of what it was. His tense body upon the pegasus, staring in the same direction, indicated that he, too, felt this immense pressure even leagues away from their destination. It was far worse than when they had encountered Areia days ago. His pendant nearly burned against his chest, even being this close to the source. It was responding to this power, almost a reflection of it, in fact.

     "Is that her?" he asked Lyse, who still stood in silent observation.

    The knight nodded gravely. "It is her. And it appears that she's been quite busy in our absence."

     "What could drive her to do . . . this?" Ryan felt a pull in the pits of his abdomen.

     "Us having completely uprooted their operations here could have been the catalyst, I'm afraid." Lyse thought. "This, if this presence is right, would be Aphrodite Pandemos. And she's going to tear this city down to cover their tracks. That, or this, is an enticing trap to lure us back here. The place could be crawling with Makhai as far as we know."

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