She's got a handful of records that she turns to when she needs to land

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6 months later (June, 3 months before the wedding)

"The dress is the only thing left to get?" Caroline and Kate asked. "The dresses, decorations and tuxedo's." Aubri said smiling slightly. "Oh and shoes." Kate said smiling. "We're doing purple, turquoise blue, and white as our colors. The purple is gonna be on my sash. The flower in my hair is gonna be an orchid and I want it dyed purple in the center of the flower, turquoise in the middle, and white on the tips. I don't want a veil, and I think his tie and the band on his hat are gonna be purple also. then the rest of his tux is gonna be black and the flowers will match the one in my hair." Aubri said smiling. "When are you going shopping for a dress?" Kate asked. "Well, can you guys go with me today? I thought we could leave soon. I called a few places and have appointments set up for today. Brantley's mom is gonna go with us also. Becky is really excited and she's super sweet."

They headed to the dress shop and met up with a stylist. "I think I want a sweetheart neckline, something plain, and not too clingy. Our wedding is gonna be in September and it's on the beach. I want something I can wear comfortably. I wanna be able to wear it at the reception." Aubri told the stylist. She nodded and took her back while she picked dresses that matched her description. The stylist took Aubri back into a dressing room and looked at her, "I'm Jana by the way, and I picked out some gorgeous dresses that will flatter you!" she said excitedly. Aubri nodded, "I love this one, its beautiful!" Aubri said smiling. She tried on a strapless dress that went straight to the floor, no poofiness at all, and plain like she asked. "I'm planning on wearing a purple sash too." Aubri told Jana. Jana nodded and came back with the right color, she walked out into the room and showed her family. "You look gorgeous!" Becky said smiling, she looked up then back at her blinking tears out of her eyes. Aubri looked in the mirror, "I like it but I wanna try on a few others just to make sure, I'm not too wild about this one. It's gorgeous and fits me good but I don't think it's" Aubri tried on 3 more dresses and then walked back out in the second one, it was a sweetheart neckline, kind of flowy but still form fitting and was higher in the front than the back, it had a short train on it. It had pearl beads around the top and purple thread. Aubri had a huge smile on her face. "I liked the first one but fell in love with this one. I put it on and it fit me perfectly and I felt like it was meant to be." she said tearing up. Becky blinked tears from her eyes, "Happy tears, I'm so thankful to know that soon I'll have a beautiful daughter in law. I love that dress and it is very flattering on you!" she said. "Another great thing about it," Jana said smiling, "that dress is 1,560 dollars under budget." Aubri smiled, "I'm ready to get back in my clothes and buy my dress." she said.

Aubri changed and they headed to the counter. She paid for her dress and they left the store. "I don't really want shoes; I plan on wearing my boots during both the ceremony and the reception." Aubri said smiling. Caroline looked at her, "You should at least try on a pair of heels. I think they would tie everything together." Caroline said. Aubri nodded slowly, "You know what, I guess you're right." she said. They walked in and Aubri looked around for a pair of shoes.

She found a pair of boots she wanted that matched the wedding colors. Next she looked for a pair of high heels. She found a pair and tried them on. She stood in front of a mirror and looked at them. "They do make my calves look good but I'm not used to wearing high heels. I'd probably fall and hurt myself." Aubri said. She picked up her phone and called Brantley. "Hey baby, how's your guy's day going?" Aubri asked. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Hey, would you rather me wear boots or high heels during our wedding and reception?" she asked. "Alright baby, see you when we both get home. Love you." Aubri said. She hung up and looked in the mirror. She took the heels off and looked at Caroline. "I might get a nice pair of sandals, but Brantley told me he didn't care what kind of shoes I wore. It was up to me." Aubri told her. "Alright. Lets find you a pair of sandals." They walked into the sandals isle and looked around. "I don't see any I really like. I think I'll just buy a pair at Wal-Mart." Aubri told Caroline. She bought a new pair of boots and they left.

"Becky, are you still willing to keep a hold of my dress for me once it gets here?" "Of course sweetie, I don't mind that at all." Becky told Aubri. "I wanna keep my dress a surprise from Brantley. I want him to be speechless when he sees me walking down the isle." Aubri told her. "Do you wanna get a back up dress just in case you decide not to wear your wedding dress during the reception?" Becky asked. Aubri thought about it for a second and then nodded, "That might be a good idea." Aubri said. They headed to the mall and Aubri found a dress.

The night before the wedding (September 20)

Aubri is in the car with the girls on the way to the hotel. They're having Aubri's bachelorette party. They go to their room. The boys are next door. Aubri walks out of the bathroom and sat down on her bed. "You guys, are you ready to start the movies?" Aubri asked. Everyone nodded. "I'm glad that you all are my bridesmaids and I am so glad you guys will all be there for me tomorrow." Aubri said. "We wouldn't have missed it for the world! We've all loved being your bridesmaids!" Miranda said looking around at everyone else. "Is it against the rules to call him and request that he meets me at my door to give me a goodnight kiss?" Aubri asked. She giggled and looked around. "I don't see why it would be. I mean, you aren't in your dress or anything. And unless you guys head to your bathroom, he won't see your dress until tomorrow." Caroline said. "Speaking of which, we're gonna have to move your dress so that I can get a shower." Miranda said quietly. "No problem. I had completely forgotten we had hung it up in there until Caroline mentioned it." Aubri said.

Aubri picked her phone up off the nightstand and called Brantley, "Hey baby, will you come give me a kiss goodnight? The girls said it was alright as long as you meet me at the room door." Aubri said. She smiled wide, "Alright, see you in a few minutes. Love you too. Bye." Aubri stood up and walked over to the door. Brantley knocked a few seconds later. Aubri opened the door and put her arms around his neck. He leaned down and kissed her. "Goodnight baby girl. I'll see you tomorrow. I can't wait." Brantley said. He kissed her a few more times and then looked at his door. "Well, I'm gonna go back to my room, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." Brantley gave her one more kiss then went back in his room. Aubri walked back in the room

"Alright so, do you want to make a little video?" Miranda asked. "I did one before I married Blake and he made one too. I asked Blake to have Brantley make one too. We're gonna paste them together and play them tomorrow during the reception." she continued. Aubri nodded, "I think that sounds like a great idea." Aubri said. Miranda smiled and Aubri picked up her phone. "In 18 hours, 24 minutes, and 38 seconds, I will be marrying my best friend and love of my life. I can't believe how far we've come since we met! I fell so hard and so fast for you. I cannot wait to walk down the isle to you tomorrow Brantley Keith Gilbert. I love you so much!" Aubri said. She blew a kiss and turned the video off. "Awe! That was so sweet!" Miranda said. "I can't wait to hear what Brantley says in his. I'm nervous though." Aubri said. "Don't be, everything will be fine." Caroline said.

Aubri laid down on her bed and the girls laid in theirs and they started their movie night. "Goodnight girls. See you guys in 6 hours when we wake up to get ready." Aubri said...(to be continued...)

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