She once fell hard 'cause she dropped her guard

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"So, are you gonna stay?" Brantley asked, trying to hide a smile. She nodded and smiled, "You made me want to so I'm gonna stay. When you leave tomorrow, I'm hitting the road." she said looking down. Brantley shook his head. "Is there any way to make you wanna stay?" he asked quietly. She paused for a minute. "I run. When I feel myself getting attached to people I run away. I can't stand the heartbreak when they decide to leave. I don't like getting familiar with anything for the same reason. When something happens to the place or in it, it hurts." she said looking down. "What if I could change that? Give me a week, two maybe and I bet I can make you change your mind." he said looking at her. She shook her head, "Nice try. Every guy said that and I've either left or they've left me. I'm not worth it. I promise you that." Aubri said "I disagree. I think you're worth everything. Please, stay with me a week and I will try to change your mind. If I don't, I will personally drive you to Oklahoma myself. If I do, hopefully we'll be happy and I can make you happy enough to stay with me." he said looking at her. She hesitated, and then nodded, "I guess I could do that. One week only. And your one week started today." she said smiling.

An hour later

"So, what makes you run? Why do you just randomly take off?" Brantley asked softly while looking at her. Aubri pulled her blanket around her and listened to the TV for a brief second. They had C.M.T turned on. "When I was younger, I woke up to my parents fighting. The next morning, my mom woke me up to breakfast in bed and asked me to not worry about school or anything else that day. Just to stay in bed. When I knew my mom was asleep, I went to the living room and found a note in my dad's chair. My dad had found a better family and left us for them. Ever since, I haven't really trusted guys. Then when I turned 18, I told my mom goodbye forever. The drinking had finally gotten to her and she had cancer. When she passed, I sold our house and all my belongings except some clothes, my blanket, and a few other things, and I decided to travel. I've been traveling ever since. I don't like to get attached because my mom passed away and my dad abandoned me for someone better." She explained. She looked at the TV and wiped her eyes.

Brantley took her face in his hands and wiped the tears off her face. "I wouldn't do that to you. I promise you that." he said looking at her. Aubri hesitated then scooted closer to him. "D-do you mind if I lay against you?" she asked shyly. He nodded, "Go ahead. Lay however you'll be comfortable." She put her forehead against his chin and shared her blanket with him.Brantley laid with her and sang to her and talked with her for two hours. He smoothed her hair back and wiped her tears away when needed and held her all night.

When they woke up the next morning, breakfast was made. Aubri fixed her hair and walked to the kitchen with Brantley. They sat next to each other and smiled. "Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I appreciate it. I'm also sorry for not sleeping in the other guest room. I wanted to make sure Aubri was okay. She seemed like she couldn't get away from us all fast enough last night. She's gonna stay with me tonight though." he said smiling. "Glad we could help you for a night Aubri. It was nice meeting you." Brian said looking at her. He flashed a smile and sat down with them. When they finished breakfast her and Brantley headed upstairs. They packed up and headed to Brantley's house.

"So, will I be sharing a room with you?" Aubri asked on the way to Brantley's house. He nodded, "Yeah. I only have one bedroom. I don't want you sleeping on my couch so you'll be with me," he said smiling. "Or if you want, I'll take the couch. It's up to you." he continued. Aubri looked down at the dashboard, "That's fine with me. I don't wanna put you out." She said. Brantley shook his head, "you wouldn't be putting me out darlin'. It's really no trouble." He said. He smiled and looked back at the road. Aubri looked at her phone and looked at the picture. She had taken a picture with everyone individually last night.

She knew that by getting close to Brantley this week, he'd soon be just another post-it noted picture stack in her shoe box. "Can we please stop by a laundry mat? I need to wash some clothes." she said looking at him. He shook his head. "I have a perfectly good washer and dryer at my place." When they got there, Brantley took her on a tour of his house. They went to his room and she set her things down in front of his closet. "You'll be okay. I know you didn't get much sleep last night; you can nap if you want to. If you don't mind I'm gonna shower. You could even join me if you wanted to." he said jokingly. "I-I think I'm gonna wait and I'll take one later." she said looking at him. He nodded and she sat on the bed.

When he came out of the shower, Aubri was gone. He looked around the entire house and then finally went out on his balcony. "There you are. I thought maybe you'd left." He said looking at her. She shook her head. "A promise is a promise. I told you I'd stay one week, that's how long I'll stay unless you change my mind." she said. "I was thinking, maybe we could eat dinner out here tonight. We can have anything you'd like." Aubri paused and turned toward him. "Well, how about spaghetti? I still remember my mama's way of making it and I would love to cook." Brantley nodded his head. "Sounds great! I bet you're a great cook!" he said smiling. Aubri made dinner and they headed back out onto the balcony. Brantley rested his feet up on the railing and got comfortable in his chair. Aubri did the same. "Would you like some music?" Brantley asked. Aubri shook her head, "I'm enjoying listening to the sounds of nature." she said. A light breeze was blowing occasionally. Aubri took the clip out of her hair and pinned her hair to the side. She used the clip to pin half of her hair back. After they finished eating, they sat out on the porch and talked for a while.

"What's one thing you want to do in your life?" Brantley asked looking over at Aubri. "I want to be able to trust people again and not start feeling restless." Aubri said. She sighed and she glanced over at him. "How about you?" She asked. Brantley shrugged then looked at her, "I want to find the girl that's meant to be with me, and marry her. Which I'm pretty sure I found her." he said smiling. Aubri chuckled, "Well, I better go do the dishes. I hate when the spaghetti sauce gets hardened because it's harder to get off the plates and pans." Aubri joked. She stood up and held her hand out for Brantley's plate. Brantley shook his head and looked up at her, "I'll do the dishes. Don't worry about it." he said.

A few days later

Aubri woke up with her head on Brantley's chest. "Good morning beautiful." he said softly. She stretched slightly and put her arm across his chest. She looked up at him and smiled. She chuckled slightly and looked out the balcony doors. "Good morning. It looks like a beautiful one." she said softly. She sat up and looked around. "Will there be coffee?" Aubri asked sarcastically. Brantley chuckled, "Of course there will be coffee. I can't get my day started without at least a cup of coffee." he said. Aubri stretched again and put her feet on the floor. She stood up and walked to the bathroom. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Brantley was standing at the Keurig making a cup of coffee. "I'm making my coffee real quick. I wasn't sure what kind you would want." Brantley said. He opened up the cabinet above the Keurig, "Pick a flavor you want." he said with a smile. She picked out french vanilla and set it down on the counter. She smiled at him, "I really appreciate everything you've been doing for me over the past few days." she said. He smiled back at her and moved his coffee cup. He set hers down and made her coffee. A few minutes later they were sitting in the living room watching Good Morning America. "So what do you wanna do today?" Brantley asked. "I'm up for anything." Aubri said with a smile.

An hour later

Brantley turned the radio down and glanced over at Aubri, "You're sure you want to go fishing with me?" Brantley asked again. Aubri nodded, "I've never been fishing. My mom never really cared for it, and my dad wasn't around to take me." Aubri said. "I bet you're excited." Brantley said with a smile. "A little bit. I'm also a little bit nervous." Aubri said. Brantley pulled into Wal-Mart and they headed straight to the sporting goods section. Brantley helped Aubri pick out a fishing pole and got two camping chairs. They paid and walked back out to Brantley's truck. He put the stuff in the back seat and shut the door. They headed down to the river to go fishing...(to be continued...)

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