It's just one more tale and then you're gone

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Aubri looked at Brantley and tears rolled down her face, "I love you. I really do. But I-I need to get out. I don't understand why I'm like this, but I can't stay in one place for too long. I get antsy. I just...I need a few days. Can I please go on a trip somewhere? I will talk to you every day. I just can't do this. Not around another holiday." Brantley walked over and put a hand on her cheek wiping the tears off her face with his thumb. "I would do anything to make you happy. Anything at all. I know it's hard for you. Lets just have dinner and then I'll take you to the airport and you can go away for a few days." he smiled slightly. "I will miss you like crazy but I know its best." he kissed her forehead and wiped the last of the tears off her face. They walked back inside and Aubri sat down on her side of the couch and leaned against Brantley.

Brantley kissed the top of her head and smoothed her hair back with his hand. "So what are we having for dinner?" Luke asked smiling, his kids were playing on the floor and his wife was sitting beside him. "Um, Brantley is going to make some hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill; I'm deep frying some french fries and potato wedges. There's juice for the kids, beer for the guys and girls that want it, and pop for the girls that don't drink." Aubri said with a chuckle. She smiled slightly. "We thought we'd all eat outside around the fire-pit. If you guys stay until dark, we were gonna make s'mores with the kids and play some music." Brantley said smiling. Aubri stood up and kissed Brantley's cheek. Aubri walked into the kitchen and grabbed the hot dogs and hamburgers. She walked back over and handed them to Brantley. Brantley went outside and started grilling. The guys went outside with him. The girls and the kids walked into the kitchen. "Fries are in the deep fryer and the potato wedges are on stand-by." Aubri said smiling.

When they finished deep frying the food, they all went outside. They got their plates together and Luke said grace over the food. Brantley sat down beside Aubri and leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Do you still want to leave tonight?" Aubri smiled and shook her head. "I actually feel better now. I think I just needed to spend a day outside." Brantley smiled and leaned over and kissed her forehead. Aubri watched as the kids finished eating and started to play on the lawn. "So, I was thinking we could all go shopping tomorrow. I'm finally off, Brantley's off, hopefully you guys are off as well and we could all go to the mall or something. Maybe your parents could watch the kids?" Everyone nodded. Aubri walked in the house and grabbed a black garbage bag. She walked back outside and started picking up all the Styrofoam plates and plastic silverware. "Here let me help you!" Caroline said. She stood up and walked over to Aubri. Caroline picked up the plates of leftover hot dogs and hamburgers and carried them inside. Aubri walked over and put the bag in the trash can so that everyone could throw away the rest of their garbage. Aubri grabbed the rest of the food and took it in the house.

"So I figured, who ever wanted to take home leftovers can, and then whatever's left I'll put them in Tupperware containers and put them in the fridge." Aubri told her. Caroline nodded, "Okay, I know we'll take some some food for the boys. Do you mind if I go ahead and wrap that stuff up?" she asked. "Not at all." Aubri opened a drawer and pulled out some tin foil. "It is alright if we use a paper plate and some tin foil?" Aubri asked. Caroline smiled, "I don't mind. That was what I was gonna do." she said. Aubri got her food wrapped up and they both went back outside.

A few hours later

"Time for s'mores!" Aubri said. She clapped her hands together and looked over the table again. "Everyone come get a plate and the stuff you need for your s'mores and you can start making them!" Aubri said. Everyone made a line and got their supplies. Aubri got herself a candy bar and a few graham crackers. She walked over and sat beside Brantley. "Okay, so everyone know's that Christmas is just around the corner! On Christmas Eve we will be doing our gift exchange and dinner. I would like you all to join us. We will also have a few more guests this year. There is also a very big surprise happening on that night! Please join us if you can. Let us know by the 18th so we can make the reservation please!" Brantley announced. Everyone nodded, and Aubri smiled at Brantley. "So what's the big surprise?" Caroline asked Aubri in the house. They had gone inside to get the boys cleaned up. "I have no idea." Aubri said. She glanced over at Caroline. "Are you guys expecting and telling us all on Christmas Eve?" Caroline asked. "No. I promise you that." Aubri said. "I want kids, just...not now. It isn't the time." she continued. Caroline smiled, "There's never a good time to have kids. You think you're prepared or financially stable and then it turns out you aren't." she said. Aubri laughed, and then looked over at Caroline, "I guess you're right." she said. "We really should get back to the party. They might send a search party for us soon." Caroline joked. They headed back outside...(to be continued...)

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