☀️New Teacher At School🌻

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It had been a few weeks since Jack had unceremoniously met ie hit with a cannonball blasted Jamie. And boy was Jack flabbergasted by Jamie, I mean his older sister had told him about her a bit every so often when she would come back home from College but, he was preoccupied with his schooling to inherit the Sunny Day family's schoolhouse from their father Papa Rise. The Sunny Day parents; Papa Rise was the principal of the school house while Mama Shine was the vice principal.

Jack was now the main teacher for the kids in general lessons of standard education math, science, social studies, and such, while Daisy Chain Jane taught art class, Cloudy Belle Sue taught reading and language arts, Rory Rainbowberry taught the kids to home economics, Knackandan Drizzle taught physical education to the kids.

At Jack's House

Jack slowly sat up from his bed yawning while rubbing his eyes free of sleep, before going to get ready for the new day with a shower, brushing his teeth, and hair, and putting on his freshly cleaned clothes before making himself a filling breakfast.

Jack: He sighed deeply while cooking up two blueberry pancakes with a fried egg, and a glass of milk on the side. Once he was done cooking he cleaned up before he began eating his breakfast while listening to the birds outside til he heard something happening outside. "Huh, what's that?" He questioned while poking his head out of the window to see a figure skipping farther down the brick road with a trail of the children of Cloudytown behind the far-off figure. "Who was that with the kids?"

Jane: "Oh, that was Jamie, little bro." She said popping up beside her brother upside down from his roof which made Jack freak out a bit from her surprise visit. "You okay there, Jackie?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Jack: "Can you stop doing that, Jane please!" He pleaded before her first words sank into his head. "Wait, that was Jamie? Why was she leading the kids?" He asked curiously.

Jane: "Oh, Papa, and Mama found the school a new music teacher/teacher assistant to help ya out." She said while seeing Jack's whole body turn bleach white with wide eyes. "Jack? Jackie? Jackson?" She called out repeatedly before sighing softly at the state her brother was in then pulled his limp form onto her shoulders and took him toward the school house.

After a few minutes; Jane dropped Jack onto the ground and propped him up against the wall as Rory, Knackandan, and Belle Sue walked over confused.

Rory: "What's wrong with Jack?" He asked Jane til the group heard music coming from the schoolhouse's music room. "Hey, isn't that the new resident? Jamie right?" He questioned while he jumped back as Jack sprung back up and covered up his mouth. "Huh?!"

Jack: He glares at Rory with a look that said shut it before he alongside the crew looked into the music room's doorway to see Jamie singing to the children and dancing with them.

You defy the impossible
Got a heart unstoppable
You are more than ready, yeah

Not just a fighter
Not just a dreamer
Amazing creator
Relentless believer
In who I am and what I got inside

Dream, see, write, and live your story
Every day it keeps unfolding, unfolding
Make it your own
The power is all yours
Dream, see, write, and live your story
Dream big and live your story

So many roads for you to pave
Let them all go your way
You are more than ready, yeah

Look in the mirror
Can't get much clearer
Beautiful treasure
One of a kind on Earth
Setting free what I got here inside, oh

Dream, see, write, live your story (your story, oh)
Every day it keeps unfolding, unfolding
Make it your own
The power is all yours
Dream, see, write, live your story, story
Dream big and live your story

There's only one
There's only one
There's only one
There's only one
You are unique
Set your fire free
You got what the world needs
And it's time you see
That there's only one, oh

Dream, see, write, live your story (your story, oh)
Every day it keeps unfolding, unfolding
Make it your own (make it your own)
The power is all yours
Dream, see, write, and live your story
Dream big and live your story

There's only one
There's only one
There's only one
There's only one!

Jack leaned against the doorway frame with a soft sigh as he watched Jamie dancing with the kids, making them smile and have fun he didn't notice that his sister and friends left him alone when one of his students noticed him.

Ace: "Mr. Jack is here!" He shouted out as Jamie looked over her shoulder to see Jack who was still dream struck til all the kids ran over toward him. "Are you here to play?" He questioned til Janie picked him up carefully.

Jamie: "Ace, what did we talk about?" She asked while the whole class spoke up saying.

Class: "Be respectful of others!" They all called out as Jamie nodded before putting Ace with the class and gestured them to play with their instruments while she'd talk to Jack.

Jamie: "Sorry about them, Jack. But, what's up?" She asked as Jack broke out of his stupor as she was close to him. "Hello?"

Jack: In his head, Jack was freaking out with his emotions talking to him rapidly on what to do, to say something! "I-I-I w-wanted to c-congratulate you on your new placement." He said stammering a bit while Jamie just smiled sweetly up at him. "Well, I got to go, see you later than Jamie." He said as he began slowly backing away from the room and then ran down the hall leaving a dust trail behind.

Jamie: She coughed a bit while swatting her hands around to clear away the dust. "W-Wait! Jack wait a sec." She said that she was standing alone and then saw the door down the hall was Jack's homeroom classroom. "What was that on about?" She questioned while walking into her classroom.

Throughout the week, the children noticed that Mr. Jack was acting strange when Ms. Jamie was involved. Jack's face would turn bright red, his eyes would widen as well especially when Jamie was playing or helping the kids or even teaching a class beside Jack.

Kids: "Mr. Jack is twitterpated with Ms. Jamie!" The kids whispered at recess as Ms. Jane was watching over them in the playground while a few feet away was Jack leaning against a tree for a break til he tensed up as Jamie walked past him tuning up her guitar for her next class. "We got to get Mr. Jack to tell Ms. Jamie how much he likes her." One spoke up as the group of kids began to plan how to get their favorite teacher of all Cloudytown to talk to Ms. Jamie.

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