Abaddon Part 5

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The night was young and, once again, Agatha found herself wandering down alleys almost dancing to the rhythmic click of her heels. With she and Charles having turned up all of nothing in their investigation, she remained unsure of where she should even be hunting. She was endlessly frustrated with the state of her hunt, wandering aimlessly through London streets until her enemy chose to attack her. She would be perpetually on her back foot and next to hopeless if Abbadon chose to strike with any real force.

In fact, Agatha's only hope seemed to be that his arrogance would get the best of him and he would come to visit with the hope, once again, of intimidating her, only for Agatha to strike quickly and forcibly to kill him.

She fully expected to die in this hypothetical fight. That surely whatever force was brought to confront her would be too much for her without some kind of preparation. Nevertheless, she refused to die without at least killing this young Vampire. In reading the Watcher's Diaries, she had seen tales of brilliant slayers brought down by monstrous creatures from deep within hell itself or sacrificing themselves to save scores of innocents. Her story, she knew, would feature few great battles, few death defying survivals and only a few minor apocalypses averted. Agatha had accepted this long ago, but she'd be damned if her final chapter would read that she was unable to kill a cocky, young vampire, more skilled with his mouth than his fists. No, Abbadon would die. There was no doubt. She just had to find him.

She had tired of wandering and turned down a skinny alley towards a local graveyard, hoping to try in vain at beating information out of some newly sprouted monster, when her eye was caught. Against the back wall of an unassuming building sat a suspiciously placed set of wooden planks over a matted blanket. Agatha stopped her walk and approached the planks to investigate. She could see that the planks were holding the blanket in place and seemed to have been placed intentionally. She stared for a moment before making the obvious move to remove the planks and see just what was being covered up when she heard a muffled scream coming from behind her, at the end of the alley.

Quickly, she spotted a wooden door just a few feet away that looked to be opened slightly. She ran to the door and found it, in fact, closed tight, though it looked quite brittle. With the scream approaching, Agatha saw a small, young woman being dragged, by her hair, around the corner and into the alley by a slender woman who's strength immediately gave her away as a vampire. Agatha was sure that she could kill the vampire and free the woman, but she wanted to see where she was being dragged, so she punched through the wooden door and, turning the handle from the inside, she slipped inside of what turned out to be a closest full of brooms and other junk. She peaked her head out from inside the small room to watch the vampire drag the woman along.

Twice before reaching the planks of wood, the woman fell to her knees and had to be pulled back to her feet. Finally, they reached the planks and the vampire through her onto wood with a loud thud and a puff of dust.

"Finally. Such a pain the ze arsh." It shouted in a thick German accent which was badly out of place in the London night. "I wish that I could simply kill you now." It pressed its foot into the woman's chest to stop her squirming and pulled a small kitchen knife from its pocket. "But they need it warm, Abbadon says. Fine. Warm it is. But I will taste." It leaned down to cut the woman's neck and Agatha saw her chance.

She leapt from the closet and closed the distance on the vampire in a matter of a few steps. It looked up in shock to see the slayer coming, but it was far too late. Gripping her stake tightly, Agatha jumped with her foot against the brick wall to her right and, pushing off, flew straight over the vampires head before it could react. She landed behind the creature and instinctively swung her stake backward. After many years, she knew the feeling of striking the heart and she'd just done it. The vampire collapsed to dust to reveal Agatha standing above the stunned woman with her hand outstretched to help her to her feet.

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