#3 "The pain he planned."

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A/n~ "Long time no see my lovely dears! I got my Ipad taken so I'm using my school computer to post this TvT I am determined to get some chapters out. I finally figured out how to access Wattpad on my computer! Which means many chapters on the way! Also I won't be able to add images do to the device I'm using. Anyway enjoy sweet dears!"

Y/n woke up the next day, her head resting on Kisaki's chest. 

Her face turned pink as she sat up quickly, wincing at the pain in her knees from her fall the other day.

"Kisa-Kun... Wake up. I should head home and I want my parents to meet you." She said as she gently shook him.

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. His blonde hair falling in a ruffled mess. 

She blushed brightly. Her heart started to pound and her eyes sparkled.

'He looks cute...' She thought as she reached her hand out and placed it on his head. She began patting his head.

His face engulfed in a red tint as he stared at her. 

She retracted her hand as she handed him him his glasses, looking away with a shy blush on her face.

He put his glasses on and stared at her for a bit. "You... Want me to meet your parents?" He asked.

"Yes. Please?.." She asked with pleading eyes.


"Fine." He said, adverting his gaze.

Her eyes lit up as she hugged him tightly. "Thank you!!" She said in pure glee.

He blushed and hugged her back. 

'Why didn't I say no?....' He thought in frustration.

'This girl... What is she doing to me?' He thought.

He wanted to push her off. He wanted to distance himself from her. 

He couldn't. When she looked at him with tear stained eyes or pouted her lip at him, he faltered.

'She's making me weak. This is a problem...' He thought as he stroked the girl's hair.

"Hey Kisa-kun?" She asked as she pulled from the hug.

"Yes, Y/n-chan?" He said, meeting her gaze. 

"Thank you." She said with a genuine smile.

His heart ached. He knew he didn't truly care for her. So... Why did his heart hurt at the simple and yet seemingly heart warming 'Thank you' she gave him.

"Don't thank me... Now let's get ready to go." Kisaki said as he got up, stretching.

Y/n followed suit and got up as well. She smiled gently at him and he averted his gaze.




Y/n stood in front of her home's doorway, knocking gently.

She was trembling nervously, and Kisaki patted her head in a calming manner.

The door opened and Y/n's parents stared at her in disbelief.

"Y/n!!!" Her mother cried as she pulled her into a tight hug.

Her father just stared at her in disbelief.

"You..." Her father said threateningly.

Kisaki gulped nervously, trying to resist the urge to back away.

"Thank you for bringing our daughter back! We were worried sick for her." Her father said with a gentle smile.

"Please come in and have dinner with us!" Her mother offered.

Kisaki was going to decline politely, but when he saw Y/n's eyes sparkle at her mother's offer and her look at him expectingly, he couldn't deny the request.

"Ah... Sure. I'll join you all for dinner." He said, fixing his glasses.




Hours went by as her parents talked to and praised Kisaki.

"If we know Y/n is in the care of someone so sweet and respectful, we may just let her out more often!" Her mother offered and Y/n's eyes lit up.

"That means we can hangout more Kisa-kun!" She cheered as she ate. 

Kisaki nodded. "Trust me. She's in very good hands as long as she's with me." He said with a gentle smile.

"Well we certainly do hope so! When's the next time you would like to take her out?" Her father asked with a hearty laugh.

Kisaki fell silent as the three stared at him, eager for an answer.

That's when his sick little mind, got and idea. 

A smile spread across his face. 

"Tomorrow night if that's okay." He said.

Her parents agreed happily, not picking up on the hint of sinister intentions in his voice.

But Y/n...

No matter how dense she seemed...

She realized something would go horribly wrong the next day.

She could sense it.

While her parents rejoiced and Kisaki entertained them, Y/n's hands started to shake.

'What is this... Terrible feeling of dread?' She thought as she tried to comprehend it.

She'd never felt this before, and as her head turned to Kisaki, she gasped.

She fell back from her chair.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" He asked as he jumped up and went to help her.

She scooted away from him. 'What.... Why did I sense evil intentions from him?... Kisa has been so nice to me... Why?' She thought as she stared at him.

He stared at her, shock on his face.

 'Why... are her eyes glowing?'




A/N~ "Hello dears. Sorry it took so long to post this. I have not been in a story writing mood and I know this is a lot fewer words than what I usually write in a chapter, but I promise the next one will have at least 1,000 words. That's usually my word count goal anyway. But I would like to say I am glad to be back and when I get my Ipad back I'll update the chapters to have pictures so please bear with me dears. Eat and drink water and get plenty of rest!" Sincerely Author-San<3

She Found Freedom in Him [Kisaki Tetta x Fem! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now