#2 "Her tear stained face..."

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A/n~ "Angst? Already? Yeah well- I'm just in an angsty mood. Anyhow, enjoy!"

Y/n ran, her lungs burning.

She'd been sneaking out and seeing Kisaki for months now.

But her...

Her parents found out.


"You've been sneaking out?!"

"Y/n why?! We give you everything you need here in the house.."

"You don't give me friends or freedom! I just wanna be a normal kid and run around and play and get hurt!" Y/n argued.

"It's that boy isn't it! He's the reason you're like this!" Her father accused.

"No- Wait he's innocent-"

"We forbid you from meeting him! We're going to have to install locks on your window." Her mother said.

"No you're being too controlling!" Y/n yelled, tears in her eyes.

Her parents were shocked. She'd never yelled at them before.

"Young lady-"

"Shut up! Shut up!! You... you don't love me! You're suffocating me!" She yelled as she ran out the front door.

She was bare foot, had no jacket on, and she was crying.

She was a mess, but she had to get to Kisaki.

*End flashback*

As she ran, she tripped and fell, scraping up her knee.

Kisaki was near by and rush to her side.

"You idiot! What happened? You don't have any shoes on or a jacket you're gonna get sick!" He yelled.

He couldn't tell why he was worried, but he was.

He removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

Then he picked her up and carried her to his house.

"Y/n... what happened?"

"They said they were gonna forbid me from seeing you! And you're my only friend... so I ran away after I yelled at them..." she cried, holding onto him tightly.

"Them being your parents right?" He asked.

She nodded.

'This girl argued with her parents because she didn't want them to take me away from her?...' he thought as he looked down at her tear stained face.

His heart ached at the look on her face.

'Why does my heart ache for this girl?.. it's only ever ached for Hina...' he thought as he took her inside and sat her down in the living room.

He sighed and patted her head, sitting her down on the couch.

"I'll be right back, Imma go get the first aid kit." He said and she nodded.

He left and she sat there, still crying.

She didn't even understand why she was so sad. Maybe because her parents were mad at her? Or maybe because they were trying to forbid her from seeing her only friend...

She couldn't figure out what her parents was scared of.

She didn't understand why her parents had shielded her from the world...

And she especially didn't understand why they were trying to protect her from someone she'd grown to care for.

Kisaki came back with the first aid kit and a damp towel.

He crouched down in front of the sniffling girl and cleaned her wound as well as her feet which had been scraped up from running bare foot.

Then he bandaged her up.

"Don't do this again... next time make sure you atleast have shoes on..." he lectured as he packed up the kit.

He ruffled her hair and turned away.

"You'll get hurt worse and end up with a fever. You don't wanna be sick... so, be more careful." He said as he walked away to go put away the kit.


It had been 3 hours since Y/n had ended up at Kisaki's house and she was now asleep.

Her head was on his lap and the rest of her body was covered by a blanket he'd given her.

'What on earth am I going to do with her?... She's... It's obvious she's attached to me. This is a problem. She may interfere with me and Hina...' he thought.

'Maybe... Just maybe I can use her to my advantage. She's really sweet like Hina. So if push comes to shove I can just use her as a Hina substitute.' He thought with a sick smile.

Oh poor poor Y/n.

The poor girl would cause so many issues for those who love her just because of this man...

But one day he'd understand...

Just how far she's will to take it.

A/n~ "Merry late Christmas!! Did you all enjoy it? I hope you all got everything you wanted and had a wonderful Christmas! I also hope you enjoyed this chapter!"

She Found Freedom in Him [Kisaki Tetta x Fem! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now