#6 "I am his tool."

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A/n~"I am back babyyyy! New chapter out! I've been going through some things but I can't keep my beloved readers waiting! Stay safe out there and make sure y'all take proper care of yourselves!"







Y/n left her room, a smile pasted on her face.

"Y/n sweetie! Happy 15th birthday!~" Her mother chirped with a smile.

"Thanks mom!"

"Your father left you a present for you!" Her mother said as she handed her a box.

Y/n opened it with a gentle smile and teared up.

It was photo of Y/n, her mother, her brother(Suji) who'd gone to college when she was young and passed away in a car crash, and her father.

"I'll cherish it for the rest of my life. Now. I got to get going. Kisa is taking me out for a birthday lunch."

"Alright sweetie! Be safe and back for dinner!"

"I will mom! Love you!" She called as she ran off.







Y/n walked up to the shrine, wearing her specially made Toman uniform.

"Y/n-chin! Happyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyy!!!" Mikey yelled as he nearly tackled her.

She smiled brightly.

"Thanks Mikey."

"Mikey get off her like that!" Draken scolded.

"But Ken-chinnnn!"

"Stop calling me that-"

"You two get off her." Kisaki said, pouting in jealousy.

"Kisa!" She said excitedly as she pushed Mikey away and ran to Kisaki, hugging him tightly.

He hugged back and smiled.

"Happy birthday, N/n." He said as he picked her up and spun her.

She giggled and smiled brightly at him.

She looked like an angel to him.

But he'd never tell her.

"Thanks Kisa. Oh! We still have to attend the meeting." She said as he sat her down.

"Yeah. You're right." He said as she grabbed his hand and they stood there together.

Mikey took to the front.

"As you all know. Tonight we fight Valhalla. But it's also.... N/n-chin's birthday. So let's whoop their asses as her birthday gift!" Mikey cheered and everyone cheered as well.

Y/n giggled and joined them in the cheering.

She felt freedom.

She felt love.

She felt human.

And it was all thanks to Kisaki-

She looked over and made eye contact with him.

She Found Freedom in Him [Kisaki Tetta x Fem! Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt