Chapter 4 - Teenage Dirtbag

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We finally got back to the castle at around 3pm after looking around more shops at hogsmeade, leaving us 3 hours to get ready.

Ivy rushed around her room collecting her makeup and the outfit she wanted to wear "we're getting ready in the second floor girls lavatory, pansy and her minions will take up too much room in here" Why the bathroom of all places? "Won't it stink?" I asked Ivy as I started to get my things anyway "no it's practically abandoned most girls haven't even been in there in the six years they've been at hogwarts" I don't even want to know why. One thing I have learned already from being here is that there is a reason for everything.

I picked up my dress my black to go with it, I didn't have any makeup and I was just going to leave my hair straight down as it is.

We made out way through the quiet halls of the castle, paintings looking at us and waving at Ivy along the way. Stopping at the door to the lavatory Ivy turned to me "Ignore her, she'll leave eventually" she said quickly pushing the door open before I had the time to ask questions.

"Ivyyy" a sniffled voice said the second we stepped into the oversized bathroom. "Myrtle we are getting ready for the slytherin party"who on earth was she talking to? No one replied so we sat down onto the floor and started getting ready. "Devyln you have to let me do your makeup" suddenly a gust of air blew in-between us "I WISH I COULD GET READY STILL"

My eyes widened leaving me completely speechless, wow that was an actual ghost okay.

"I'm sorry Myrtle I wish you could too" Ivy said to the ghost as she started to do my makeup to the sound of Myrtles cries.

Ivy finished my makeup and then moved onto curling my hair, before shooing me into one of the stalls to put my dress on while she finished getting ready. As much as this was chaotic it was quite fun. I suppose i've missed this part of my teenage life out, i'm 16 years old and i've never really had a friend or been around other children my age.

I slipped my new dress onto my body and it immediately hugged to my figure. Stepping out of the bathroom stall Ivy gawked at me "oh my lord girl if you wernt my new best friend I would smash your ass" I laughed, straight to the point I like it.

"you look beautiful too Ivy that outfit looks good on you" she smiled at me through her makeup mirror, she was wearing a blue short dress that was ruched all the way around. "so, there will be a lot of people, a lot of drinks and a fair few amount of illegal substances. Do not under any circumstances take a drink from anyone that isn't from a closed bottle with the cap on, I will try not to leave you with anyone dodgy but come and find me if you end up somewhere you don't want to be okay?" wow we had serious Ivy okay "okay got it, thank you I'll be fine don't be worrying about me the whole time you have to have fun too"

She stood up wrapping her arms around me "I'm so glad you transferred here Dev, I've never felt a friendship like this before" I hugged her back "me too" more than you will ever know Ivy.

"okay okay no more serious Ivy lets go party!" we walked down the halls, leaving our things in the lavatory as we could get them on the way back from breakfast tomorrow morning.

The closer we got to the common room the louder the music boomed through the halls, seemingly vibrating the whole castle. Reaching the door Ivy turned to me "you sure your ready?" She really was a good friend, knowing id be nervous for my first party in a room full of people I have never spoken before. "I'm sure"

The common room was full to the brim with people from all houses, I wonder if Luna is here. Ivy took my hand and guided me through the crowd towards the drinks table. I wasn't going to admit that I've never had a sip of alcohol in my life, these people would definitely think I'm too innocent to be their friend. I definitely should have worn shorts under a dress this short.

Ivy handed me a drink in a rather large red cup, just like they are in those muggle movies I would watch without my dad knowing. I winced as the cool liquid trailed down my throat, leaving a burning sensation as it did. "now that is some of the good stuff" Ivy said, I don't even want to know what's was in this drink but I took it and thanked her anyway. "Come dance with me, please please pleaseeeee" She grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the common room where students were dancing and singing along to a muggle song that spoke about being some sort of teenage dirtbag? I didn't get chance to ask.

I've never danced before but I guess there's a first time for everything, I took another sip from my cup and began to move my body to the beat of the music, with ivy's hand in mine. Merlin if 15 year old could see me now she wouldn't believe her own eyes, neither would my father for that matter.

Ivy let go of my hand as she started to dance with one of the Slytherin boys who was looking her up and down like she was a piece of meat. I let her go as I didn't want to spoil her fun, and I had to make other friends at some point. I slowly make my way towards the sofas where me and Draco spoke last night, taking a seat on one of the empty two seaters. I took the last sip of my drink feeling my cheeks slightly burning, it must just be warm in here because of all the people.

I felt the sofa dip down beside me and I was greeted by a boy with mousy blonde, curly hair. "Hi I'm Cormac, I haven't seen you around here before" He said as he held his hand out for me to shake, taking his hand I replied "I'm Devlyn I just started. Are you in 6th year too?" Cormac griped my hand and didn't let go which I thought was rather strange but I decided to go with it anyways. "I'm in 7th Gryffindor" He intertwined my fingers with his, okay this defiantly isn't normal...does he like me?

I felt an uneasy feeling but it wasn't from Cormac, it felt like someone was watching my every move, analysing it with a microscope. I tried looking around to see if I could see anyone but Cormac interrupted me "everything okay Devlyn? Is someone here bothering you?" He asked, I hope he didn't think he was boring me and I was looking for someone to help me. "Oh sorry I'm fine, just not used to all these people, my old school was a lot smaller" yeah try a student count of one. "Well then lets go somewhere else to talk shall we? I would love to get to know you better" in all honesty running away with a boy I just met wasn't exactly on my agenda for the night but I was getting overwhelmed with the amount of people in this room. "Sure okay, lets go" I did need more friends I suppose.

He left my hand in his as he lead me out of the common room, I tried to look for Ivy on my way out so she wouldn't worry when she doesn't find me later on, but I couldn't spot her anywhere. He lead me down corridors of the castle that seemingly got darker and darker as we went along, I didn't want him to think I didn't trust him by asking where we we are going so I kept quiet and followed. The feeling I was being watched only grew stronger, maybe it is a gut feeling of Cormac after all...

He stoped and caged my body against the hard stone wall with his "what are you doing" I asked, and got no reply. He placed his hands onto my hips causing me to try and squirm out of his grip. "Don't fight it baby, its fun" he whispered into my ear making my stomach twist and turn. "Let go of me Cormac" I said my voice coming out as a whisper but his hands continued to roam "I said let go of me mother fucker" my voice stronger this time as my knee came up into his groin. "You bitch" he said curled over, which I took as my opportunity to run.

I have no idea where I'm running in this stupid maze and I silently cursed my father for not forcing me to do sports when he homeschooled me. Cormac caught up to me ten seconds later, pushing me to the ground by my neck. Accepting my fate, a silent tear rolled down my face and I let my body go limp under his grip "that's what I thought little bitch, you thought you were being so cleaver pulling a move like that-"

His victory speech was interrupted by a voice coming from around the corner "she said let her go wanker"

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