Chapter 2 - More to people

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Students flood to what I guessed is the great hall as Luna told me. She gave me a full brief on the way here of what to expect and what will happen. She didn't leave me until I was where I was supposed to be.

Professor Mcgonagall met me at the front doors to hogwarts, wearing a tall witches hat and long robes, that I thought were some sort of joke at first to be completely honest.

"Devlyn Miller I presume" My cover name. She spoke proper, with a slight Scottish accent, as she began navigating her way through the mounds of students like it was a normal occurrence "follow me dear, come come keep close"

I rushed trying to keep up, only able to see the point of her hat amongst all of the people in the large corridor. I have never seen this many people in my life.

She led me towards a large wooden door that opened to reveal her office "take a seat dear" I sat myself into a chair opposite hers admiring how beautiful the room was. The detail on the windows, the large stone walls, it was beautiful. If this is just one office I can only imagine how much beauty the rest of the castle holds.

"I will take to the great hall to be sorted into your house but we will let the rest of the students get there and take their seats first" I nodded loosing the ability to speak "don't be nervous dear, you have already made a friend the Lovegood girl am I right?"

"Yes luna she was kind to me on the train" Adrenaline pumped through my body making me feel alive. "yes you will be grand with her Devlyn"

She handed my my time table "you have tomorrow to settle in then lessons start on monday" I didn't dare to look at the teachers I had in fear of seeing my Fathers name on the list.

"if you need anything you can come to my office the door is open for you. You are going to be wonderful here" she stood from her seat and guided me towards the door. "Let's get you started Devlyn"

The now empty corridor appeared huge with large arches, paintings and details sprawling all the way across the walls. I much preferred it when it wasn't full of students. Mcgonagall lead me through the corridor with her rob flowing as she walked. My palms were sticky, my hands were shaking, my heart beat at-least 250bpm until we reached A set of highly detailed, wooden double doors.

This is it. Where it all begins.

The doors pushed open to reveal the great hall Luna told me about. Thousands of candles floated in the air, just how my dad would make them float in my bedroom when I was scared of the dark. Four tables of students sat in long rows stretching the whole length of the hall, with another table of the professors sat at the front of them.

"so please give a warm welcome to our new student Devlyn Miller" The man I assumed was Dumbledore said from the podium causing 1000s of pairs of eyes to turn to me.

Deep breaths Dev deep breaths you got this. I followed Professor Mcgonagall down the path between the two middle tables, only feet away from the students, all the way to the front of the great hall trying to hide deeper into my raven hair with every step. I understand why it's called the great hall now...

"Devlyn you must be sorted into a house, as you already know the houses are Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Griffindoor and slytherin." Dumbledore announced, god I hope i'm in slytherin, the dark lord, my father everyone would be disappointed in me, well it's not like they won't be after I fail this mission anyway.

I look around me for the first time and spot my Fathers emotionless glare. He wasn't my Father anymore who lit my room at night, he was a professor. nothing more. I span around and placed myself onto the wooden stool in front of every single one of the students. I managed to pick out Luna's friendly face sitting with the Ravenclaw's, she gave me yet another one of her warm smiles, somehow filling me with bravery. I can do this.

AMMUNITION ~ D.M Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum