Soobin took out his wallet and pull out some money. He squats down to level the kid who’s also screaming in pain because of his feet. “If I see you around here again, I’m really going to break your feet. You get that?” Soobin threaten the kid and gently slaps the money on his face. “Get lost.”

Soobin stands up and looks to the girl and the victim. “It’s okay,” Soobin smiled. “Don’t worry about it. You two should get something to eat,” Soobin said and gave them some money as well. “Don’t cause trouble,” Soobin reminds them before turning his back.

He needs to go back.

“Oh! Oh! Hey! Trashbin! Where did you go huh!? The game is about to start and Yeonjun’s going to kill you if you aren’t there!” Chul saw Soobin walking.

“Damn,” Soobin cussed and started running towards the court, leaving the two.

“Did I saw it right? I thought he’s going to break the kid’s arm,” Taemin commented.

“We should tell Boss about this! Let’s go! I prepared a cheer by the way! And we need to bet who's going to win for the juniors!” Chul replied and they started running too.


“Where the fuck have you been!?” Yeonjun shouted as soon as he heard Soobin’s voice.

Soobin was taken aback when Yeonjun shouted at him and it also gained some attention. “H-hey, why? Calm down. I-I was just—“

“I told you not to fucking wander around! I told you to stay!” Yeonjun didn’t mind the attention he’s getting.

Hueningkai who’s listening to them started to get confused too because Yeonjun’s face is so mad that he rarely see. He started wondering why is he so mad at Soobin and when did they become so close as well?

“I’m s-sorry,” Soobin quickly apologized. “I just helped someone and I don’t want them to bother you because you have a game—“

“Then seeing you not around won’t bother me!?”

“H-huh… W-well…” Soobin’s out of word when Yeonjun shouted at him that and he can really feel how Yeonjun mean it. “I’m really sorry, Yeonjun. Please forgive me,” Soobin apologized again.

“Stay here and just do what the SSC told you to do. Don’t go out of this court without me and without my permission. You get that?” Yeonjun instructed Soobin.

“Yes,” Soobin replied in his polite tone. “B-but why? Why are you so mad?” Soobin asked him, hoping some answers.

But Yeonjun just stared at him for seconds and went inside the court to start his stretches and to prepare his body. Soobin sighs and holds the camera.

Why Yeonjun’s mad at him because he left? Is it because Yeonjun doesn’t have someone he can boss around? Or Yeonjun is worried because Soobin might get attack by Hansol again and knowing Soobin, he won’t fight back? Maybe the latter one.

“Love all, play!”

The game started and Yeonjun’s on court 1 playing with a junior. Soobin is walking around the court to take pictures of the players and the whole game for documentary. Hueningkai is loudly cheering Yeonjun whenever he scores. The court is so loud with their cheers.

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