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Y/n's POV:

I left the dark alley, dark wet spots all over me and a bloody dagger in hand. My mind was racing, i killed four men that had been harrassing me all night. i had been drinking too, so it was extra gruesome. I reeked of death and blood, my hunger and lust for a kill had finally disappeared.

The walk home seemed endless, i put my dagger in my pocket and put my mask down into the bag i stored the organs in. As i walked around the corner a police car could be seen, the car seemed to be on but it was standing completely still. I tried to hurry on over home, in hope that the police car and whoever was in it wouldn't see me walking because i knew that if they saw me then i would probably be questioned.

I walked up to the door of my apartment complex and headed inside, making sure i closed the door behind me. As i turned around to go towards the elevator someone walked over the to elevator and pressed the button. I don't know why but this person seemed off, i had never seen someone so well built and tall in this building before. The bell rang indicating that the elevator was there, we both hurried inside and stood still for a while waiting for the doors to close. 

After closing the person reached out towards the buttons but stopped suddenly, " what floor are you going to?" they asked, their voice was deep indicating that it was a male. " oh uh floor 4" i said quickly, looking down at my feet. He pressed  the button and then the elevator started moving, it seemed like it had gone hours before the elevator dinged indicating that we were on the fourth floor,the doors opened and i hurried out of the elevator. 

The man followed slowly behind, i eventually turned around to look at him " Did you just move here?" i asked, he only looked at me before slowly nodding. I was happy with the answer and walked over to my apartment door to unlock it, the man walked past me and down a few doors before he stopped and pulled out a key.

-Time Skip-

It was around 1.27 AM and i had just finished my report about Jeff and our last meeting. He's been acting a bit different, his mood changes all the time and sometimes the food he gets for breakfast can  effect his mood for the rest of the day.

He seems to be bipolar. It really didn't suprise me since he killed his own family then cried and mourned over it for a few years before realising his brother was alive and after meeting his brother who was full of rage he seemed to be happy again, not happy in a good way but happy in a bad way. 

My mind was spinning and my throat was dry, i stood up and headed over to the kitchen where i grabbed a glass of water and some chocolate. I could hear some loud bangs from a few doors down, i really didnt think much of it until i heard a small scream, not loud enough to wake anyone up but loud enough for  anyone awake to hear.  It sounded like a young girl and i knew for a fact that there was no small girls living in this apartment building.

I opened the front door slowly, not really wanting to make any noise. I looked down the hall towards the mans apartment, his door was slightly opened and i could see him moving around. it looked like he was dragging something around, his door suddenly flew open and there he was. The tall well built man was slumped over dragging a teenage girl by the hair, she was knocked out and a bit bloody, the man stopped when he realised i was there and i finally got a good look at his face. Dark gray skin, brown hair, no eyes and black tar running down his cheeks.

We looked at each other before i turned around and walked back into my apartment and locked the door. i sat down for a bit to think, i wasn't gonna call the police on him that's for sure.

While thinking someone knocked on the door, my head snapped towards the door as the knocking continued. i stood up and hurried on over to the door where i peeked through the peek hole just to see the man, I unlocked my door and opened it to be met with the tall man, " you haven't called the police right?" he mumbled, sounding quite sad. " No i haven't.." i said looking down not really wanting to look at him.

" I could smell it on you, you have done that haven't you?" he asked, stepping closer. I moved aside and let him in just so we could have a bit more privacy, "yes i've killed before, infact i had just killed 4 people before meeting you in the elevator" i answered honestly. He smirked slightly " who would've thought that the famous psychologist was a killer" he said while sitting down in my kitchen, " whats your name?" i asked, he obviously knew my name but he was still unknown to me "Eyeless Jack, how do you kill?" he asked. 

" oh well i use this dagger and i have a black bunny mask which i use obvi, then i stalk my victim for a few hours before attacking them and dragging them into the nearest woods or alley where i slit their throat and harvest some organs, what about you? how do you kill?? " i asked, feeling proud over my way of killing.

" well i stalk my victims for a few weeks before i break into their home during the night and harvest their kidneys, sometimes they make it through the night sometimes not and when they do i come back a few weeks later to actually kill them." he said calmly, i was honestly suprised.

" well what brings you here?" i asked him, he looked down at his hands before looking back up at me. "well im here to rescue one of my accomplices" he said, a smirk could be seen forming on his face, " oh did he end up on prison or something?" i asked, genuinely intrigued. " he got caught killing someone in alabama and they brought him to the mental hospital over here, why are you here?" he asked, " the people over at Glim mental hospital requested me to come and help them with a new patient" i said, my stomach fluttering as i thought about the bleached man.

" Nice, yea i gotta get my friend out of Glim tomorrow and we'll be staying in my apartment for a few days before leaving" he said, we sat in silence for a bit before he stood up and said that it was time for him to go to bed. We said our goodbyes and then he headed towards his apartment, i could hear the door to his apartment shut and then i was met with silence once again.

My head was racing as i put my head on my pillow, i knew i had to stay out of the way tomorrow at the hospital. I didnt wanna get in between Jack and his accomplice.

A psychologist's secret ( Jeff The Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now