"Where's my son Barbara?" I ask immediately.

"Ummmm, last name?" She raises her eyebrows.

"You know his last name. Copeland." I roll my eyes.

"No I didn't. First name?"


"May I see an ID?" She asks.

"Fa what? You know that's my son, I pick him up every damn day and youn neva ask me fa no ID when I sign him out early cuz youn feel like dealing with that." I smack my teeth.

"Ma'am this is just typical procedure. I cannot release any information on a child without having proof that you are their legal guardian." She shrugs.

"Kelli." I look at the other front desk lady.

"Yes hun?" She stops eating her salad.

"She not letting me know where my son is."

"Oh why not?" She looks upside Barbara's head.

"She hasn't provided any ID." She rolls her eyes.

"That's his legal guardian Barb, we have to release his information to her. And rather than asking for ID, you can just ask a security question." Kelli says before turning away to help the other lady.

"What's his middle name?" She sighs.

"Andrew." I answer.

"Alright now what do you wanna know?" She asks.

"Where the hell my child is. I said that as soon as I came in here, that was my whole purpose!" I raise my voice outta frustration.

"Okay Mrs. Copeland, I need for you to calm down." She puts her hand up.

"Don't call me Mrs. Copeland. I am not married to his sorry ass father and you KNOW that." I say.

"My apologies. Jevan was involved in a fight earlier so he was suspended."

"Suspended? Y'all ain't call me. Where is he?" I ask confused.

"We called his father to come pick him up." She responds.


"Huh? Ian hear you right... it sounded like you called his secondary contact instead of the parent with sole custody." I tilt my head to the side.

"You heard me correct. We called Mr. Copeland." She repeats.

"If I'M his PRIMARY contact then why the FUCK you call that nigga without reaching out to ME FIRST!?" I yell.

"Okay, lower your voice." She looks at me crazy.

"Nah fuck that Barbara, which one of y'all decided to call him first?" I look around at the office laddies.

"Me. I did try to call you f-" Barbara starts.

"No the fuck you didn't! My phone is on, full volume at all muhafuckin times so y'all can reach me regarding MY fucking kids!" I cut her off.

"Why didn't nobody stop her dumbass?" I look at the other office ladies.

"She we did try to-" The blonde one in the back shrugs.

"You's a muhafuckin lie, I'a pull ma call log up rite the fuck nie!" I cut her off.

"Security." She whispers into the phone.

"You lucky ion slap the shit outta you right na." I mug him.

"She's threatening me." She whispers, looking at me.

"This an elementary school, why are you cursing?" Sum white lady I don't know from a hole in the wall stops and gives me a dirty look while holding her son's hand.

"Get the fuck out my face foe I beat cho ass infronna yo son." I wave her off.

"I swear to God I'ma report every single one of you bitches to the school board cuz all of y'all knew better than to let her dumbass call that nigga. And my children will NEVER come back to this ole ghetto, retarded, racist ass school ever again, I'm pulling all my kids out and enrolling them to Northside." I say before storming out.

"I'm so muhafuckin pissed." I groan.

"He went with his dad?" Kyrie asks trying to keep up with me.

"Yes he went with his sorry, bitch ass daddy that shot me and that ugly ass white girl who pale flat ass he kiss. FUCK!" I unlock the car in a hurry.

"Karter!" I stop abruptly as he drops Kaleisha.

"I'm sorry, she hit me." He picks her back up.

"I'ma burn this ole raggedy ass school down. With airbody in it." I mumble.

"Even the kids?" Vaughn's eyes widen.

"What the fuck do everybody mean Kevaughn?" I ask sarcastically making him and Amancia gasp.

𝐁𝐌 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬

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