Concrete pillows

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Jen's pov

It was a impossibly boring day at the office. Nobody wanted to do anything. Constintine was getting situated in his office, Mr.castor was probably trying to find out how far he could shoot a rubber band, and I was counting how many trucks I saw outside my window. I had counted 30 trucks when I felt something land in my hair. turning I looked out my door to see Mr.Castor holding in a laugh. He silently mouthed sorry to me while I pulled the small rubber band out of my hair. I only smiled back before turning back to my window.

Occasionally Constintine would clear his throat to get my attention. we all kept are doors open because of the crappy ventilation system in the office building. Constintine didn't ever need anything actually important, it was always him mouthing me questions like "what are you doing?", "When do we leave?", and sometimes he would ask what Mr.castor was doing.

Around 2:30 Mr.Castor knocked on my doorframe. "Jen, if your not doing anything I was hoping that you could buy this in storage." he held a box of old desk utensils out to me. I quickly agreed, anything to keep me from falling asleep.

I started to go to the elevator, only to be greeted by a sign explaining that I would have to walk 6 flights of stairs to put something in storage. I groaned out loud, not carrying if someone herd me. A deep frown formed on my face as I trudged down each flight. It was completely empty in the stairwell, only my echoing footsteps kept me company. The farther down I got the more nervous I became. A ball of anxiety formed in the pit of my stomach, growing with each couple of steps I took.

I could feel something watching me, eyes following me down the several steps. It took what felt like an eternity for me to reach ground level. I walked out of the stairs into the crowded level one offices. It was divided by small cubicles. Each cubicle held a bored looking employee that was looking for any excuse to leave. As I stood there looking at the cubicles I started to hope more and more that someone would come with me. I wasn't usually afraid of the dark or of basements, I actually wasn't scared of any of the usual things people were afraid of. Something about the thought of going alone scared me though.

I saw Mr.castor's brother heading towards me, a smile planted on his face. "Jen! Let me help you!" John (Mr.Castors brother) worked on the ground level as a supervisor. Helping to make sure everyone was working. I immediately smiled at his offer. "That would be awesome!" He grabbed the box out of my hands and headed towards the basement. As we headed down the stairs he asked me "Jen do you get freaked out by the basement? You looked scared earlier." I laughed nervously and tried to sound calm when I replied "well I don't usually get scared of the basement, but something doesn't feel right." he didn't say anything else as we continued walking down the cold damp stairs. I didn't remember there being so many steps.

John gave me the same strange feeling that Mr.Castor gave me, but I didn't feel it as much with him. Maybe it was because he was younger, or because he's not my boss, but he didn't seem as..... powerful I guess. Once we reached the bottom I noticed a second door that was there the last time I went down there. I reached for the door marked storage but John grabbed my hand. "those units are full, we have to use the others." something in his voice sent chills up my arms. Then I thought of something, "John, how did you know I was headed to the storage units?" he didn't seem surprised by my question. "I saw you carrying the box." That would have bin a logical answer except for the fact that I was standing still looking at the cubicles. It would have looked like I was bringing the box to one of them. I stared suspiciously at John. The sudden sound of electricity shutting off made me jump. Above me I heard the sound of gets closer and closer until I could see the lights on the stairs shutting off.

I struggle to get out of johns grasp but he held on to my arm with an iron grip. he had dropped the box, grabbing both of my arms. suddenly all the lights where off. Not even the emergency lights were on. I could still feel something holding me, but it didn't feel human. It's hand were smooth and somewhat slippery, like they were covered in wax and its claws dug into my upper arms. Then I saw red eyes glowing, starring directly into mine. I screamed, and kicked, and thrashed around but the thing never let go of my. I felt myself being lifted up, then I was thrown against the stairs. the last thing I herd was the sound of my head slamming into the concrete before I passed out.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! But schools almost over so I should be updating more often! I love you, stay strong!

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