"You're to reliant on contact these days"

"Write a book together?"

"Do you have anything we could do TODAY that will not infuriate me?" Wednesday asked as she crossed her arms.

"Just the Xavier thing" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"Are you serious about that or would you chicken out at the last moment?" Wednesday asked as she continued to stare at the boy.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "I think I could do it... but maybe not today. I want us to do something romantic and fun"

"I would not like that"

"I don't care" Wednesday held back a smirk at those words. "How about... yeah I've got nothing"

"Of course you don't" Wednesday shook her head. "How about we just stay here. You can talk, I can ignore you while pretending to pay attention"

(Y/n) considered that for a moment. "Can we cuddle?"

Wednesday glanced around, it was empty since everyone was either gone or preparing to leave. "Fine"

(Y/n) quickly put his arms around Wednesday before pulling her up into his lap.


By the time Wednesday finally glanced at her watch it was already beginning to get dark out. "I must leave" she spoke, interrupting (y/n)'s long rant about why the third cars movie is the worst one.

"Now?" (Y/n) suddenly realized how the sun was setting.

"I have to get to the train station" Wednesday forced her way out of his arms and stood up. "Walk me to the gate" she demanded as she got the notification on her phone that her Uber was waiting.

"Alright" (y/n) sighed and picked up Wednesday's bags before following after her. They were silent as they walked which Wednesday enjoyed while (y/n) did not.

Soon enough they were at the gate and they could see the Uber waiting outside. "Goodbye (y/n)"

"No. You don't get to leave that quickly" (y/n) quickly placed her bags down before pulling Wednesday into a kiss which she returned just as quickly.

She pulled back a moment later. "Though I cannot say categorically that my life will be diminished by not having you in it, I am comfortable if you choose to believe that"

"Are- are you quoting-"

"I figured you would appreciate it" Wednesday gave the boy one of her rare smiles. "You did force me to watch that with you after all. Contrary to that though I will still miss you"

"I'll miss you too" (y/n) smiled at her. "I love you"

"I love you too" Wednesday was surprised by how quickly those words had come out of her mouth. She nodded at the boy before turning around and walking to the car.

(Y/n) watched as Wednesday got in before the car began driving away. He had no clue when the next time he would see her in person was but he knew it would be to long.

Word count: 1086

(Oh we're all in for a treat. We've got more fan art from @Aikon_MJ5 !)

 We've got more fan art from @Aikon_MJ5 !)

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