"What's up with Sam?" I asked, and his face turned red.

"Nothing, he's just being Sam." He shrugged and I nodded.

"You know, this week will officially be a year since my accident. I think it was a sign of Finn and Rachel's impending doom. I mean, I support their decision, but, like, can you even believe they were going to get married in high school, that's insane!" I laughed and his smile dropped.

"Well, they were in love. And they are definitely soulmates, there's no way they won't get back together." He sighed, and I grabbed his hand.

"Oh, for sure. But I mean, getting married in your senior year is kinda crazy. Like, if you're truly soulmates, you still have your whole life to get married." I smiled, and pulled him into the choir room.

"Guys, I have finalized our set list." Mr. Schue said, and I grabbed Blaine's hand and held my breath.

"I know it was done by the Warblers, but I think we have a great opportunity for a duet and it has the perfect big stadium vibe. We are going with Teenage Dream by Katy Perry and it will be sung by Sami and Blaine. 'Hall of Fame' by The Script and Will.I.Am, sung by the boys, and Marley's original song, 'All or Nothing." He announced and I let out a small cheer when he announced our duo and Blaine hugged me.

That was the first song I had ever heard him sing, and the day where I dressed up in Boy Drag to spy on him, and I could not be more glad that Kurt and I were both terrible spies.

"Hey, Mr. Schue, what about my original song? Do you remember? 'My cup, my cup, saying what's up to my cup, my cup." Brittany interrupted and I joined in on the singing while Blaine silently laughed at me and I playfully pushed his head away.

"My Cup' is one of a kind, but we're going with Marley's song." Mr. Schue shot her down.

"Oh, come on. Boo. Two thumbs down. The only way to polish that turd of a song is with my angelic alto voice." Brittany shrugged and Blaine's hand flew over my mouth.

"So, I demand to sing it as a solo. And, I demand to sing all the good songs. Everyone can snap their fingers and march around behind me. Tina, please make an exact replica of Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar dress." She snapped, and i tilted my head. Brittany wasn't normally like this, I mean hell, she wanted to stay in the New Directions instead of the Troubletones even if she didn't get solos.

"Um, no." Tina laughed.

"Um, yes. Let me break it dow me for you. No one in this musty choir room compares to my megawatt star power. Blaine, you're shorter than your average lawn gnome, that says even more about Sami, Joe you look like a Yucatán spider monkey, Tina is- You know, she's Tina." Brittany started insulting us, and she could call me short anyday but I knew Blaine was very insecure about his height, so he squeezed my hand after the insult, reminding me to calm down, and also to hold me back incase I decided to go all 'Mean Girls' on Brittany and lunge at her like a tiger.

"Baby, I love you, but you're really out of line here. Stop texting, I'm trying to talk to you. It's rude." Sam said, and he got a text.

"Did you seriously just break up with me, via text?" He asked, and my jaw dropped.

"Yeah, as fascinated as I am by your down-filled pillow-soft lips that are 10 times to big for your face, I really miss my sweet, sweet lady kisses. Moving on, I repeat, I require all the solos. That's just the way it's going to be." She shrugged, and walked out but Mr. Schue stopped her.

"Brittany, why are you doing this?" He asked, I look of betrayal on his face.

"Well, I'm just living your lesson, Mr. Schue. It's all or nothing." She walked out the door.

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