Call of Conscience (Ga'liduen)

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The meeting ended with no one ejected, although they all went as a group to see the dead bodies. Vac'shar noted that Tenavik's kill was clean, one cut to the throat. Pink and Lime stayed behind to clean that body up, and they all made their way towards Yellow's body, although most of them cleared out after Green broke down into quiet sobs at the sight of the pool of blood that surrounded Yellow's body.

An appropriate response, of course, but it didn't mean that no one felt uncomfortable. Vac'shar noticed that the captain of the crew always seemed to have an air of invulnerability around them (how would they be able to lead the crew, otherwise), and any sort of action that contradicted that usually broke the spirit of the crew.

Good for them, though. The uncertainty that hung over the crew would be a great addition to the arsenal that they had.

Vac'shar glanced over towards Tenavik, who seemed to be comforting Orange. The rest of the crew had decided to wait outside, near the back wall of Storage, but Orange was either too petrified to follow them or couldn't process what was happening.

It was a strange sight, Tenavik--who towered over the small crewmate--and Orange, who had their hands clasped behind their neck with arms pressed against the sides of their helmet as if they could mute out everything that was happening.

Vac'shar almost felt bad for Orange. Almost. He would feel more sympathy if it weren't for the fact that Orange would probably be dead within two months. Whatever emotional damage that was inflicted probably wouldn't matter in the long run.

"Hey, hey, breathe," Tenavik said in a soothing voice, hand rubbing Orange's back in little circles. "Look at me. Rei. It's okay. It's gonna be okay-"

"How?" Vac'shar heard Orange whisper. "We could be killed at any moment. Just one shot to the head and then the claws of death. Or we could be stabbed, or our neck could be broken, or who knows what else we could be killed by, but how are you not freaking out?"

"Oh, I am, I'm just so freaked out that I'm calm," Tenavik said matter-of-factly. Vac'shar was surprised with how natural Tenavik sounded.

"That'll catch up to you later," Vac'shar interjected in a warningly tone, unable to stand another minute of that conversation. "Trust me, you're going to wish that you're freaking out now. But never mind, we need to figure out that."

Vac'shar gestured vaguely to Green over Yellow's body. Not that he didn't mind the time that was being burned because the captain was emotionally incapacitated, but because there was a little voice in the back of his head that was starting to sow uncomfortable feelings into his stomach and chest.

He tried his best to tamp down those feelings, but there was still that sense of uncertainty that remained, which wasn't the best thing to have when he was in precarious situations like these. He needed to be able to make decisions without that source of doubt.

"I... I think it might be best if w-we, um, let her be," Orange said, voice dropping to something barely audible. "I-I mean, you probably would want a moment if someone cl-close to you was murdered..."

Tenavik immediately nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's a good idea, Rei. I can't exactly speak from experience, but if I... never mind, I'll tell you later," Tenavik added, noticing the pointed tilt in Vac'shar's head.

"Then I suppose we should get going on the rest of our tasks," Vac'shar stated. "I'll tell the rest of the crew to continue as normal and I'll check in on Green later. Maybe we'll be able to get Yellow's body out of MedBay so that we don't have to go all the way around to get the samples from Specimen."


Vac'shar glanced down at the time on his tablet before sighing and strapping it back onto his leg. It had been three hours since Green saw Yellow's corpse, and the feeling at the pit of his stomach wasn't doing any better.

Cost of Yesterday: An Among Us FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora