Prologue: The Wreck of Our Hearts (Zeinthr: Du Naufrajir Hjarta Okkar ket)

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"-And while the journey ahead will be filled with treachery, may the warden guide you and lead you onto your new path. For this one has ended, and the trail ahead has just begun."

With the chant, Vac'shar set the knife against his skin, tears streaming down his face as the memories that he made with Kevanthr came to mind, and as the blood welled up on his arms and splattered against the hot rocks.

The pain from his arm was much easier to bear than the pain within.

Vac'shar set the knife down and stared at the drops of his blood, slowly boiling away. He sat like that for a while, mind numb and thoughts racing.


The sound rolled over Vac'shar like the gentle lapping of the waves. He knew it was there, he acknowledged that it existed, but he didn't pay it any mind.

His thoughts were more focused on the hot rocks in front of him, where the last drops of his blood were dissolving. The ba'ul on his forearm was still bleeding, and yet he didn't want to bandage the wound quite yet.

After all, how could you bandage an outside wound when you were still hurt on the inside?

"Brother. It is time."

Vac'shar sighed and transformed back into the large leopard that Tenavik would be familiar with. Immediately, he heard the overjoyed yipping of his son, and he turned around, although a dead expression was still on his face.

A grey-and-white blur lunged at him and tackled Vac'shar, sending him staggering back from the force. He nearly walked into the hot rocks and the ritual, but managed to catch himself at the last moment.

For a moment, Vac'shar's heart started to race and his paws shook with panic. How could he possibly take care of someone else when he couldn't take care of himself?

But he had to. He had to be strong for Tenavik. The time for tears had passed.

"Hello, little one," Vac'shar said somberly. He looked up at his brother-by-mate, a wolf who shared the same grey and white streaks. "Kodthr. Thank you for looking after Tenavik. I hope he didn't tear up your den."

Kodthr gave Vac'shar a barely perceptible nod. "Do not worry about me. Is the ritual complete? Will she...?"

"The blood has been spilt. Thank you for... letting me do the honor. I swear upon my life that my offering will not be refused. She shall be safe."

"It was as much your duty as it would have been mine. Perhaps we were related by blood, but the love that you two shared makes my relationship with her pale in comparison." Kodthr paused for a moment, tilting his head. Vac'shar couldn't shake the feeling that there was something that Kodthr was trying to figure out. "And what of the knife? The symbol of your life-bond?"

They both looked down at the blade that Vac'shar had used to draw the blood. Engraved on it, near the base of the blade, were the glyphs for Vac'shar and Kevanthr. Tenavik was still hanging on to Vac'shar, as if he was trying for his father's attention.

"I think... I think Tenavik will inherit it. When he comes of age."

With the sound of his name, Tenavik let go of Vac'shar's fur and tilted his head slightly, eyes full of life and curiosity, as if he hadn't just seen the corpse of his own mother five days ago. Then again, it was only for a moment before Vac'shar grabbed him by scruff and dragged him away to Kodthr before going back.

The knife that had found its mark in the base of Kevanthr's neck had the crest of the House of Sea. Of course they would have come for Kevanthr, since her position as an advisor to the Head of the House of Land would have put those seaweed-faces in danger of losing their grip on some of the very unfair trade agreements that were established.

But even with that evidence, the House of Land refused to declare war on the House of Sea when tensions between them and the House of Sky were already high. They didn't need to fight a war on two fronts, and who knew what could ultimately end up happening?

But still, the lack of justice... Vac'shar's blood would be boiling if he wasn't so broken inside. He could barely believe that he had been smiling and laughing with Kevanthr only a half-week ago. He could barely believe that his biggest concern back then was what they were going to have for dinner. Now he had to worry about who would take the position of advisor, and if he or Tenavik would be the targets of another assassination.

He knew that he could never tell Tenavik what had really happened to Kevanthr. At least, not until he was older. Until then...

"He will inherit it. Kevanthr would want him to. Would you agree?"

Kodthr nodded. Even though he was young, Vac'shar knew that Kodthr still knew his big sister like the back of his paw. "She would want Tenavik to be happy and healthy, first and foremost. But the knife... I suppose she would rather Tenavik know how to use it than be defenseless. Still... I don't like the idea of having to train a youngling up to fight before they can read."

"I didn't like the idea of Kevanthr dying in the first place, but it happened," Vac'shar said in a harsh tone. Kodthr tilted his head in a skeptical manner. "Some things cannot be prevented. I can only protect Tenavik so much, but if I can make sure that he can protect himself, everything will be okay. I'll start his training next week."

Vac'shar directed his gaze towards Tenavik, who was looking up at his father with an expression of curiosity. Vac'shar could feel the skepticism and wariness emanating off of Kodthr, but he paid it no mind. Kodthr should understand, seeing that he was training for the militia in the case that the House of Sky declared war. He should see what Vac'shar saw: a dangerous world where you either killed or were killed.

But even if he didn't, he would see it soon.

"If I couldn't keep Kevanthr safe, I'll do so with Tenavik."

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