15. Death And Taxes

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Taxes the one thing I hated doing, mainly because I had two different ones to sort out. Never the easiest thing, before you ask why I mention this. It's because someone had lit themselves on fire, at an accounting firm. "Dispatch said a man broke in after hours, LAPD's on their way, but caller said the victim's no longer a threat." Dad said to us as we entered the building.

"Oh. And all those banker's boxes equal more than a few matchboxes." Hen said to us and I looked at her.

"Definitely a length supply." I said to her with a smile. That's was a lot of finances.

"Many unhappy returns." Chim said to us, and you could say that again. Someone was definitely hiding something.

"Why didn't the sprinklers go off?" Buck asked, here we go Officer Buck was making a return I see.

"Somebody's quick on their feet; avoided some serious damage." Eddie said to us and we walked into the room. Dad was talking to the guy who called it in.

"I tried to move him, but his skin fell off. I didn't know what to do." He said to Dad, stuff like that happens. It wasn't his fault.

"Well, you did your part by putting out the fire. I tell you what, let's step aside, let my team finish from here. Buck, check for hot spots. Chim, your with me." Dad said and they all started walking in separate ways.

"Copy that." Chim said before walking away. I saw all the scattered files, someone must really hate taxes so much if their planning on burning them. Hen, Eddie and I checked the guys vitals on the floor.

"Pulse is weak." Eddie said to the two of us.

"Breathing shallow. Sir, can you hear me? Can you tell me your name? No response. Probably burn shock." Hen said to us and I looked at her.

"Time to start him on oxygen." I said to the two of them and this guy, I didn't have much hope for his burns.

"I'll start him on oxygen." Eddie said and we started him on it. It wasn't long until he regained consciousness again.

"It's-it's gonna be okay. We're gonna get you out of here. Foil blanket, then let's get him on a gurney." Hen said to us and I looked at her.

"On it, don't worry." I said to her with a smile, I was glad this situation worked out.

"Dispatch, this is Captain Nash, 118. We're wrapping up here. Please alert L.A. General Burn Center we are nine minutes out." I heard Hen say as we were walking out. When it was morning time I was glad about it.

"So, we need to get that go-bag ready. Listen I get it your going to say 'we've still got weeks to go' but I think we should get it ready. You never know what will happen." Buck said to me and I looked at him, was he really thinking that I wasn't already ahead of him.

"Buck, I never really unpacked the last one. So it's just the case of refilling that's it. Besides it's always by the door so we don't worry." I said to him as we were lying on the couch together. He was massaging my feet, he did it to himself.

"You are always so prepared that I think you need a break. For the rest of the day, you rest and I will do everything. You know I should really be doing all the work now." He said to me and I smiled at him, everyone needed a husband like Buck. Great husband and great dad. Two perfect qualities.

"Fine, but you know I won't be able to relax properly." I said to him and we saw Mars walk around the corner. Buck got up and she went to him.

"Movie." She said to us and me and Buck looked at each other. We knew what this meant. Watching Barbie. When the next shift came around Chim was stressed.

Breakthrough // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [book 2 of Issues]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें