7. Cursed

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I was feeling a lot better than I was the other day, I think it was just nerves that got to me. When it got to shift I was relieved. No family or friends calls. Once we got to our current call a lady ran out. "Thank God you're here." She said to us. She had blood coating both her hands.

"Dispatch reported somebody got hit by a chandelier?" Dad asked her, at least they weren't swinging on it.

"Uh, the cables must have snapped or something. I-I don't know what happened. I-I tried moving it, but it was so heavy and there was...there was so much blood." She said to us as she rambled on. She was scared.

"Is she conscious?" Chim asked her.

"Yes. She-she won't shut up." She told us, that was good enough for us.

"Help! Alexis, you left me." The lady under the chandelier said to her friends.

"To bring help!" Alexis said to her and she looked up at all of us.

"Just please get this thing off of me." She said as she tried to move.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Try not to move, okay? We're gonna get you out of there." Chim said to her and I looked at her.

"Just hold still for us." I said and I saw Buck trying to lift the chandelier.

"All right, let's get a backboard and gurney in here." Dad said to all of us and I tried to help lift this thing. But something was wrong.

"Yeah, Cap, this thing's penetrated the floor pretty deep." Buck said to Dad and I looked at him.

"We're gonna have to cut it apart, piece by piece. Buck, Y/n, you're with me. Let's get saws and Nomex blankets." Dad said and we left to go get the saws and Nomex blankets. Once we came back in again Chim walked over to Dad.

"Cap, reflex of the left leg could be a potential spinal injury." Chim said and Alexis was behind him. She'd heard that.

"Is s-something wrong? She's not paralyzed, right? That would severely impact her future revenue stream?" Alexis asked us, no one would care as long as she was alive. I looked around and recognized her, she was an actress.

"Paralyzed?" Felisa asked us and we looked at her.

"Maybe that's not the thing we're trying to focus on right now." Eddie said to us all.

"Try and focus on something else." I said to her.

"All right, Chim, I want you to contact the ER. Buck, Y/n, let's start to saw it away from her. Carefully." Dad said to us and we went over to her. This wasn't going to be fun to do.

"Hi. Thill keep you safe from the sparks, okay?" Buck said while starting to cover her face with a blanket.

"Uh, o-okay." She said to him.

"There you go." Buck said while covering her. We then started to cut the chandelier. One we had everyone cut it was time to lift it.

"On three. One, two, three." Dad said before we started lifting the chandelier off of her. Once it was off we put it to the side.

"All right, Felisa, how you feeling?" Chim asked her.

"Um, my left leg is tingling. Wait, that's a good thing, right? That means I can feel." She said to us happily, I was happy for her as well.

"It's very good, yeah, it's probably a pinched nerve or maybe a spinal bruise." Chim said to us, hopefully that's all it was.

"Thank God. See? The bracelet's working, kits like I said it would." Alexis said to her friend and we went off to transport her to the hospital. Once we got back to the station Athena was here. I went to have a comfort break before going to get something to eat. I heard Athena chuckle as I went up.

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