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The following morning I  woke up before Katelyn and called my wife while she was at work. Yilena knows she is handling this all wrong. I told her stubbornness and pride is in the way. She asked me if I  had dessert with Katelyn last night. At this point Katelyn was waking up, she realized I was speaking with my wife. She just sat in bed while I spoke to Katelyn after she came back from the restroom.  I told her  no and was honest that we she held me why I cried and fell asleep. She told me she understands this is going to cause strain on our marriage, since I am not changing my mind.  She informed me that she called Jane last night and was told she won't be part of the extra sex anymore.  She wasn't thrilled about it but knew this was caused by her. She asked me when I came home could we discuss this further and make a compromise . I told her no.  She said than maybe I move out of the house since it was hers before we got married and file for a separation.

Yilena are you serious a separation.  If you think being separate is going to change my mind, it won't be. I will be filing for a divorce this week and be moved out by next week.  Beth no please don't.  Yilena I won't change my mind. Why pay for a separation when a divorce would be simpler?  I will have my lawyer call you.

I ended the call.

Beth are you sure? Yes, she isn't being reasonable and I don't want to endure all the pain again through a divorce. I rather do it now.  I am going to get on the phone with Samantha Harris to start the proceedings. I will be moved out before she comes home from work.  I don't want to deal with her anymore.   You can move in with us. I don't know.  Okay. 

I left and went to tell the others while she was making a call to Samantha.

Beth you sure you want me to file? Yes you know what is mine.  I will get new furniture when I decide to get my own place. Katelyn said I could stay with her and Rony.  I will file the divorce today and get back with you if any complications occur. Thanks.

I went inside and to the kitchen where everyone was serving themselves.

I am guessing the way you look Katelyn told you. Katelyn is the offer still there for me to move in with you and Rony? Yes and Rony agrees. Even if we don't continue you can live with us as long as you need it. Thanks.  I would like to go back sooner and get my stuff . The furniture is hers. I just will get everything else. I don't want her home when I having them get my things.  After breakfast, we will go get keys made. I will give you the code. Beth we don't have room for your vehicles.  I will probably sell one.  Even if I don't,  it's okay. I will look for a place.  No rush.

We all hugged her and we ate our breakfast, drank our expressos and pineapple juice.  Katelyn and Beth did the clean up.  We all stayed back except for Katelyn, Rony and Beth.  We knew they would need time to work out logistics of the move.  We agreed to go back on Friday morning to avoid the drama that Yilena would cause.

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