"Start texting, tweeting, but don't let them know we're here, shooters have smart phones too." Mr. Schue said, and I instantly pulled out my phone. Sami didn't have her phone, but I didn't care. I just wanted to somehow tell her I loved her, so that if she made it and I didn't, she could see the text.

"I love you."

That was all I could send, before there was a large bang. Was it a gunshot? What if it was from the bathroom where she was? What if the last conversation they ever had was an argument? They could of been together right now. I could be holding her in my arms, and telling her I love her, but no. I prioritized someone else, which I seemed to do a lot of. How could I ever think that someone else was more important than her? She is my everything. She is the reason I'm at McKinley, she's the reason I am who I am, she's the reason for everything in my life. I couldn't imagine it without her, I don't think I could live without her. There are so many things I could of done differently, but I was too damn stubborn to just apologize to the most important person in my life. She was probably crying in the bathroom with Brittany, scared and she needed me. But what if she wasn't? What if the shooter found her? I wasn't there for her like I should of been, and this time around, I am going to never leave her side. I need to make sure she feels loved every minute of her life, because she deserves to be. I messed up, in the worst way possible. She knows I love her, but she needs to hear it. She needs to know that I would give anything to be with her right now, so I could sit in front of her, hiding her from view because I would die for her. Artie pointed a camera in my face, after everyone else told their parents they loved them.

"I love you Mom, Dad and Cooper. I love you guys so much but there's one person I need to talk to. Sami, I love you so much and I'm so sorry. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and you are the most important thing in my life. I love you." He cried, and Artie moved the camera to someone else.

Atleast Sami would see that. He couldn't look into her eyes and squeeze her hands, but he could tell her what she truly needed to hear. There was so much more but other people needed to talk too, and he couldn't take that away from them.


I fiddled with the promise ring Blaine has gotten me. He promised me we would always be together, and he would always be there for me. I hugged Brittany, needed to be close to someone and she silently cried into my shoulder, while I cried into hers. The bathroom door opened and my hand went over my mouth, and I stopped breathing, while Brittany did the same. All I could think about was my mom, and Quinn, and Blaine. The people I loved most in the world, and I needed my last thoughts to be about them. Atleast the last things I told my family was that I loved them. I didn't say it to Blaine. I replayed all of our memories in my head, I wanted the last thing I ever think about to be us. The person stopped in front of our stall and my mind froze on when Blaine and I first met. How I was instantly hooked on his hazel eyes. How I felt like I couldn't look away. He was my soulmate, and I knew it then and there.

"Brittany? Sami?" Mr. Schue said and we both ran out of the stall.

"Mr. Schue." We both cried, hugging him. The other people came out of the stalls, and Mr. Schue grabbed Brittany and I's hands and we all linked hands with the random people with us as he lead us back to the choir room.

My eyes landed on Blaine who was crying behind a speaker, and I instantly ran up to him and got in his arms. His hands gripped onto my back, almost to the point where it was painful and I cried into his shoulder and he cried onto my neck.

"I love you." We both said at the same time, his grip tightened on me, and I squeezed him like never before.

"All clear!" Someone yelled, and I burst into tears as the lights turned on.

"Oh my god." Blaine cried, still not loosening his grip.

"I love you so much, Blaine. I'm so sorry." I sobbed, and I took a moment to look into his eyes, which I never thought I would see again.

"I'm sorry. You are the most important person to me. You are truly my everything and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you know that, okay?" He sniffled, and I nodded, before planting a quick kiss on his lips then helping him up to hug our friends.

"I love you all." Mr. Schue said, as we all got in a giant group hug. We all broke apart after crying some more, and I grabbed my phone out of my backpack to see a text from Blaine. I instantly broke down, my knees giving out and I fell to the floor. He ran over and hugged me, grabbing me like he did when he saw me walked through the doors.

"My mom's trying to get off of work, can I go home with you?" I asked, as we were standing outside waiting for Blaine's mom, since neither of us felt stable enough to drive.

"Of course you can." He smiled, his arm wrapped firmly across my waist, holding me tightly against him.

When his mom came, she ran out of the car and pulled us both into a hug.

"I love you both so much. You guys were so strong." She said, planting a kiss on Blaine's forehead and squeezing us. My mom had been working constantly, trying to make enough money to maintain our previous lifestyle to a certain standard, so Pam had basically become a second mom to me. She was one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and I was so grateful for her.

"Do you two want food? I can make Italian if you want." She asked, as we climbed in the backseat of her car. I sat in the middle, so I could be next to Blaine. I had a urge to not leave his side, afraid something would happen.

"No, I think we're just gonna go to my room." He sighed, wrapping his arm around me again as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"That's what I figured." She said, starting to drive out.

I put Sleepless In Seattle on the TV and I snuggled up in Blaine's arms. I needed to remember how his arms felt, how his breaths felt against my neck.

"My mom's here." I said, checking my phone.

"Okay, I love you." He sighed, kissing my cheek, then I got out of bed.

"I love you, too." I smiled, then walked out. Those words weren't even going to sound like actual words at the end of the week, we were going to use them so much, but it was needed.

"Sami." My mom cried, taking me in her arms as I walked out the front door.

"I love you, mom." I sighed, hugging her.

"I love you so much, baby." She smiled, kissing my forehead then I got in the car with her.

"I couldn't sleep. Neither could my parents. We just stayed up all night, talking and crying and hugging each other." Blaine said, his arm tightly wrapped around me as we walked down the hall with Tina.

" I know, my parents wanted me to stay home this week, but I told them no way." She shrugged, and we saw Kitty and Marlee Hogan, which is a very rare occurrence.

"It sounds crazy guys, but I wanted to be in the choir room with you." Tina sighed, and Blaine looked at her like she was crazy.

"I wanted to be in there so badly. Brittany and I were alone in the bathroom stall and I wanted nothing more than to just be with you and everyone else I love." I sniffled, squeezing Blaine's waist.

"You didn't, it was the most scared I've ever been in my life." Blaine shook his head, and I leaned mine against him.

"Me too, but not because of what was happening, but because I couldn't get to you guys or do anything to help you or even say goodbye." Tina started crying, and Blaine had tears forming in his eyes. I couldn't cry anymore, I was simply out of tears.

" I think the important thing is that no one got hurt." He sighed, putting his free hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah. You know that you guys are my family. Everybody in that room is my family and I don't want the last thing you guys heard from me to be some snarky comment about how I never get solos." She laughed, and we all went into a group hug. I hate to admit it, but Tina is my family. The hug was filled with sobs, and laughs.

"Now you listen to me, you both were in the choir room with us. You were there." He whispered, and we all pulled away. We walked down the hall, his hand not leaving my waist, and his other holding Tina's.

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