"W-what are kidding me. You jerk!" ussop grumbles.

Sanji looks around the cart. "Bingo transponder snails! Mmm ok this must be a communications room or something. Lucky I ran into this place so soon! Those guys I beat up in the last cart only had useless stuff. Anyways now that I have this I can get in touch with Nami!" he says excitedly

"So uh. Are you friends or something?" y/n asks."Ex friends." They both say simultaneously."The question is who are y'all two?" sanji asks. "Oh uh this is Franky and I'm y/n. Say uh... Do you think you could unite us-" y/n tries to say before sanji kicks Franky in the face.

"So you're the bastard that beat up ussop huh?! He might be dead to me now but he was part of our crew back then! How many pieces you want me to cut you guys into?!" sanji yells.

"Hey now I didn't do crap to long nose! That was him. You won't be laying a finger on me dipshit!" y/n says." WAIT WAIT WAIT! It's not like that now! A lot of stuff changed sense then!" ussop explains trying to calm down sanji.

"Hey punkkk! You're lucky I'm tied up!" Franky yells sitting back up."Hey man that lines getting old. Seriously he's a good guy! He saved the merry! At least for a while... Oh yeah... The merry was... "Ussop says, tears starting to form In his eyes again.

"Woah! Come on bubby you can't get all sad and moppy on me now! HEY BLONDE! UNTIE US!" Franky yells." You can spend the rest of your life in the potatoe sack for all I care!" sanji yells back.

"Screw you! I said pretty please what else do you want?!" Franky screams getting in his face." STOP IT! NO MORE FIGHTING GUYS! Look if you keep yelling then the marines are gonna come!!!" ussop yells trying to calm them.


Y/n sighs before speaking again."Listen I don't know why you are here but it's obvious you still care about your friend. Excuse Me "ex friend". He said we were cool so why not trust him. You should know that he gets scared very easily so for him to say that then it must be true! Why not help each other then yeah?" y/n says trying to reason with sanji.

Sanji thinks for a moment before taking a hit from his cigarette and sighing."Fine... But I'm not doing this for ussop. I'm doing it to find my friend faster..." he lies. Y/n scoffs at his sad attempt of lying. "Yeah whatever floats your boat black lungs..." she says. Sanji unties y/n first. "You do the rest." he says being lazy.

Y/n rolls her eyes before untying ussop. "Their you go" she says before starting to untie Franky. "Behave you feral dog. We're lucky he untied us." y/n says to Franky.

"OH SHUT IT! I could of got myself out if I really wanted too!" Franky yells. "Oh really! Why didn't you do it before then?" y/n questions. Franky stands up and scratches his head trying to think of a excuse. "Cause I wanted to rest a bit!" he says. Y/n shakes her head before pulling out her gloves and putting them back one.

She fixes her mask that was starting to shift some. "Finally free!" she says. Walking towards on of the windows she looks outside before opening it. "Alright let's head up to the top and figure out a plan. You can call this Nami person while we're up there. It's safer for now since they might send someone to this cart cause they definitely heard us." y/n explains.

They agree and start to climb on top of the roof through the window. Sanji pulls out the transponder snail he took and starts to try contacting Nami.

"Nami! Nami, can you hear me?" sanji asks.
"Yeah! What's going on sanji?" Nami asks.
"I got some bad news. Things have gotten complicated...." he says.


"HEY WHAT THE HELL! Why did you crush the snail I wanted to talk to straw hat!" Franky yells." Oh shut it." sanji says.

"Who's this robin girl y'all we're talking about and why is she important?" y/n asks.

| Sanji explains the whole situation too the three of them |

"Aw man that is such a sad story!" Franky yells, crying."pft why are you crying?" sanji questions. "I-Im not crying you are!" franky says.

Suddenly a marine climbs up the side of the train peaking his head over the roof. "AH THEY'RE RIGHT HERE!" He yells. "Oh shoot they found us." y/n says.

"Metallic star!" a random voice yells. Something almost like a bullet is shot at the marine sending him off the train into the sea.

Franky, y/n, and sanji turn to see who shot that. "Huh? Who the hell are you?" they all say ‫simultaneously‬. A familiar man in a mask stands there arms crossed."Your friend told me everything! I understand you're here to rescue a certain Madame. That alone is reason enough for me to join your cause! My weapons are at your disposal. My name is.... SNIPERKING!" Usso- I mean sniper king says.

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