Chapter 1

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Is she expecting ?

|Authors point of view|

Meredith was at home today, the brunette had been feeling sick for 2 weeks now. She thought nothing of her being sick for this long until now.

She had to really think about what was going on with her body since she was a surgeon and couldn't continue like this, so she had called up her friends

| Meredith's point of view|

I've been thinking for a little bit and it hit me, I might be pregnant with Derek's baby.

If I am pregnant, I'm going to keep the baby of course. I don't believe in abortions, and I've always wanted to have a baby to show my love to and be a better mother but I wasn't expecting to have one right now

I called Cristina, and Alex at the same time, because I'm freaking out, I also need a pregnancy test. I patiently waited for a answer

" what's up mer? We heard your sick." Alex says while charting

" yea, I think I'm pregnant sick not flu sick." I say sitting up a little.

" holy crap , you let Derek get you pregnant. You know that makes you the pregnant intern" Cristina laughs, but the Raven head takes a bunch of pregnancy test from the supply room

" yea and if I did and I'm okay with it honestly" I say while getting up, I slid my slippers on to my feet

Alex was just listening to the conversation

Cristina stuffed it into her pockets."what ever , Alex go pick up snacks and I have the pregnancy test, and we'll meet up during lunch at mers house." She says

Me and Alex agree , I ended up taking the day off I couldn't go in and throw up every where

~A hour later~

I've thrown up 3 times in the last 30-40 minutes , if I'm pregnant and I go through this everyday I'm not going to enjoy it one bit

I'm still laying on the bathroom floor, I can't move I'm too weak and tired now. But I hear my loud friend coming in

I might move to Minnesota or Boston ( no not for nick )

"Possibly pregnant woman where are youuu?" Cristina says, she quickly made her way up the stairs

" In the bathroom, I can't stop throwing up." I say, this floor feels really nice at the moment.

" oh my god, are you alright?" Alex asked he has a bag of snacks , hopefully there's gingerale

Cristina throws three different test on the counter

I take the test and wash up and I put my robe on.

I walked out of the bathroom, it's been fifteen minutes because I don't know how long it takes

" wait I thought you were on the pill." Cristina raises her eyebrows

"N-no , where are you getting this information from." I ask her and I sit on the bed.

" those pill bottles on the dresser, she snooped." Alex chuckles

" those ibuprofen, for my head aches " I say and lay on my bed

" Yea what he said , what snacks did you get for her." Cristina asks she wants some probably

" I got plain lays, icecream , a box of honey buns, saltines , and gingerale ." Alex says and then opened the chips and ginger rale

We ate some of the chips , that's all I could keep down." Okay im ready ." I say

I flip the test over, oh my god I'm pregnant with his child .

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