"You okay jungkook?" Taehyung asked, standing a few meters away, he noticed the raven wasnt following him anymore.

Jungkook turned his head away from the spot and nodded, catching up with taehyung.

"You don't look so worried this time? Are you getting more used to being out?" Taehyung asked, he hasn't seen Jungkook acting paranoid yet.

"I think so" is all Jungkook said, his eyes glued to taehyung's side profile which he could see from where he was walking.

The walk was not that long, but they arrived. in the center of the city they entered a colorful building. funky music playing in the background and they were greeted by a cheerful lady.

"Welcome back Mr Kim. you brought a friend this time?" she said, smiling at the two.

"Yes, the appointment is for him, he kinda needs a good cut," Taehyung said, trying not to chuckle at Jungkook's funny cut hair, short on the front so he could see but the back was still quite long, there wasn't really a style in this. The lady nodded and looked at Jungkook, her smile fading a little. Jungkook got a little worried when she looked at him like that, immediately getting his flight response on, she knew him, she knew he was a muta-

"your hair needs my magic, who cut this??'' She crossed their name from the list and grabbed a cover. "Come boy, let me fix that for you. you're gonna look amazing when i'm done with you" she said while guiding them past all the chairs and other customers until one free seat. She let Jungkook sit and wrapped the cover around him. Jungkook panicked a little and loosened the neck immediately.

"no" is all he said.

"It's to catch the hair, or else they will fall in your shirt" she chuckled and wanted to tie it back but Jungkook placed his hands on his neck staring at her through the mirror. his black orbs shrinking and the light above the mirror flickered three times.

"Just, put it on his shoulders" taehyung quickly got in between and rolled the covering around jungkook's collar.

"alrighty then" the lady smiled. "let's head to the wash section, were gonna give you the full treatment"


The cut took quite a long time. Jungkook hasn't been to a hairdresser in forever, so his hair was a mess. no layers or strangely cut sections. At the lab people would just grab scissors and cut some strands if they were too long but never got him a proper cut. So this was going to be good for him and his hair.

Taehyung had been sitting next to them the whole time, Jungkook didn't want Taehyung to leave him alone there. even though he would just be sitting at the front in the waiting corner. for Jungkook it was too far away, he didn't feel comfortable here with these humans yet.

"Okay big man, we are done," the lady said and fluffed Jungkook's hair a little more before taking the cape away and letting him look in the mirror. "Do you like it?"

Jungkook looked at himself, his hair was so different, a good length was taken off of it. He looked like Taehyung, he also had such hair. but jungkook's was styled a different direction. it complimented his sharp features while still showing his round eyes. He smiled and felt his soft hair.

"How is it Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, seeing the younger smile.

"It's pretty," the raven said and looked at taehyung.

"I'm glad you like it, feel free to come back if its gotta be a little shorter, it will be free of charge" she said and stood up walking with them back to the front for payment.

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook again. fuck he looks so good..... 'Why does he have to be so attractive? I'm gonna lose my mind like this'. Taehyung sighed. He is going to have a difficult time like this, having someone in his house who was attractive like this, if he gets feeling for the other it might become difficult to help him the same way. Jungkook was confused why taehyung looked at him like that and just averted his eyes nervously. his hands fiddling together in his jacket pocket. When taehyung looked at him he would feel so nervous.

"Okay, enjoy the new look, and I hope to see you again!" the lady smiled and waved them off.

"Soooo, I guess your hair feels lighter now right?"

"it does" jungkook smiled and shook his head around.

"The only thing left now is clothes. Do you want to get some today or do you want to return home?"

jungkook thought about it for a moment. He'd like to go home but that would be giving in to his fears. He shouldn't be scared, Jungkook can defend himself... but he doesn't know if he can defend Taehyung. Jungkook doesn't even know how to control it, he might end up hurting him by accident.

"uhm... we can go now... not too long, '' Jungkook said, stepping over his worries. He shouldn't worry too much about something that hasn't even happened yet. He hasn't hurt anyone yet, yes he lost himself that evening, but taehyung assured him he was okay. Jungkook knows he can do worse, and so far he hasn't done something like before. He can try to loosen up a little. Taehyung was right, the lab didn't know where he was, they couldn't know. it's not like he was being tracked. They never even thought he would be able to escape.

"Okay, shopping time it is. you're gonna have fun. I really like shopping for new clothes!"

"Okay" jungkook just followed the older around the city.


It was a long day for both of them, instead of just one hour they spent in the city, they even grabbed dinner on the way home. Jungkook had a good time, his mind was somewhere else for the time, and the best part was that jungkook didn't see a single guard while they were out. He didn't feel any reason to worry. So like the day before he went to bed content and happy. closing his eyes with a smile and curious for tomorrow.


Jungkook sat on the chair, his wrists chained to the armrest head hanging low weakly.

"bring bacteria S-02" the scientist said to his assistant. the boy grabbed the next solution from the box and handed it to his boss. "Let's hope this one works" the scientist filled his syringe with the liquid and walked over to jungkook who got alarmed by his feet coming closer. He tugged his arms but the chains did not break. "easy there kid, we just need to see some things. relax" the man chuckled and grabbed jungkook's hair pulling his head to the side and injecting the liquid into his neck. the blood quickly took the bacteria and spread it through his body. his veins turning into a dark color.

"Step back," the scientist said to his assistant who was too loose to jungkook. The boy did as told and went to stand behind the thick glass wall in the room with the others.

"Come now, show me something" the scientist was getting impatient. He didn't need to wait long, Jungkook started breathing heavily and his arms turned black, the dark bacteria spreading through his body more and more. the raven suddenly screamed and his hands turned into fists, his nails almost piercing his palm. He panted and gasped for hair trying everything to make the pain less, but it was only increasing every second. a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"make it stop!" he shouted and kicked his legs. The scientist did nothing, he just waited. He just stood there staring at him when his arms started to deform and his fingers grew into long eery claws. He did nothing when he broke from the chains and fell to the ground curling into a ball, the claws gripping his head and screams leaving his lips.

Nothing, they all just stared at him.

they never helped him.


"ah!" Jungkook shot up in bed, sweat running down his back and room ice ice cold. He felt like he couldn't breathe. weakly he fell out of bed and crawled up onto his two legs shuffling away from the couch. "Stop, stop. not now" he shook his hands which had turned again. He groaned when he felt a sharp sting shoot through his arm into his neck, the fleshy skin growing further up his arm. Jungkook didn't have control over it. his eyes looked around in a panic seeing eyes had grown on the walls, the ooze coming from the cracks of the wall. "no... no no '' jungkook had to go, he can't risk it. so in his panic he ran out of the apartment.


extra long update, i hope you liked it. see you soon in the next chapter!


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