Chapter 15

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We all sit there in silence as medics fuss over us, listening to the sizzle of fire being extinguished. Terms I don't recognize are spewed back and forth between a medic and Alora's parents. Soon another car pulls up that I recognize as my own family's. Theo's parents clambered out from the back of the vehicle as well as mine got out from the front.

My mother pulls Alora's mom into a spine crushing hug. I shuddered despite the sweltering heat that we had endured only minutes before. Gauze and some type of aloe was wrapped around a small burn on my arm. I notice Theo wince as a different medic checks his breathing and heartbeat.

Alora is clutching Scarlet, tears pricking the corners of her eyes from temporary stitches closing up her stab wound. You are lucky, they tell us, lucky you survived with minor injuries. I don't think a stab wound or a fractured rib is lucky, but I'm not even sure if luck exists.

I should be scared. I should be crying or shaking, but I'm not. I'm frustrated, with myself, for letting them go again. I'm frustrated they almost got one of us again, and that we almost let them. I look at the charred side of Alora's house, at the blood soaked bandages that had failed to prevent bleeding from her wound, and at Theo, whose face is twisted in pain as they wrap something around his waist to stabilize his ribs.

And I wonder. I wonder if I'm supposed to be grateful to have survived this. I wonder what Cassidy would say if she were here. Whether she would make a joke of this to lighten the mood, or start planning a GoFundMe to help pay for our future hospital bills.

I smile, laughing at myself despite the situation we've been put in. Alora gives me a strange look as soon I'm hunched over, now hysterically laughing. She doesn't get it, but she also begins to crack up as well.

Laughter is as contagious as yawns I suppose because at this point, all three of us, injured and all, are laughing until tears are streaming down our faces. Theo's clutching the area where his rib is fractured, desperately trying to stop.

"We should start a GoFundMe." I manage to wheeze out. This only makes us all laugh harder.
Theo is the first to finally calm down, followed by Alora who begins to take deep breaths. I let out a long sigh and at this point, everyone is looking in our direction.

"I think we're about to get sent to a mental institute." Alora passes Scarlet off to her dad, her arms trembling in the process

My mom comes to stand by my side, stroking my hair as tears shine in her eyes. "Sammy," I roll my eyes at the nickname that I've had since I was a kid. I shuffle so she can sit next to me on the picnic table, holding my tender arm with my other hand.

"Your father and I have been talking," she starts, wiping at her eyes with a tissue. "And we think it might be best if you go to stay with your aunt and uncle in Ohio for a while." She seems to notice my appalled expression, because she quickly tries to restate what she just said.

"With the...murders and attacks, we just want what's best for you." My mother assures, taking my hand in her own.

"And I don't know what's best for me?" I stand up, facing her in the eyes. "Mom, I'm not a little kid, okay? I'm eighteen, I can make my own choices."

"We don't want to see you hurt, or killed."

"I know," I attempt to soften just a little. "I can protect myself, and they haven't even come after me."

"Yet." She adds, growing agitated at the argument.

"I'm not going." Her eyes bore into mine.

"Yet they still could come after you." She pushes, coming to her feet.

"My friend almost died tonight, if it weren't for Theo and I, we wouldn't be saying that we survived, we'd be talking about funeral plans!" I feel my face begin to heat up.

"We're so close to finding out who is terrorizing us. I can't leave that all behind right now, not when we're this close to catching the killer." Tears glisten at the brim of her eyes. She wraps her arms around me.

"I know Sammy, I just...I just can't lose you. Your father and I can't lose you. And as much as your brother or sister won't admit it, they can't either." I take in a shuddering breath.

"One week. Give me one week, and if the killer isn't off the streets by then, then I'll go." I feel her nod.

"Alright. I'm going to go check back with Alora's parents now." I smile.

"Her mom you mean." She chuckles and waves me off to go see Alora and Theo who are huddled on a different table.

Theo stands up and hugs me. I'm careful not to bump into him. Alora doesn't move, she just stares across the street at her house. The fire has been put out by now, yet smoke still curls from the rooftop.

Tears slowly creep down her face as she pulls out her phone, accepting a call from what I guessed was her sister. I turn back to Theo.

"Are you alright? Besides your rib." He shrugs, seemingly not caring very much.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." We stroll further away from Alora to give her some privacy, instead slouching on the curb, breathing in the crisp November air. "Sam?" He says so quietly it almost gets carried away by the breeze.

"Yeah?" My hair tickles my face as the wind tosses it around, making goosebumps as I shiver.

"Can you promise me you'll be careful?" Theo's voice breaks mid-sentence, as if he's picturing all the ways he could lose me. I glance at the ring on my thumb as I rotate it, its color more copper than gold from being worn so often.


"No, I'm serious Samantha." His gaze is prodding and intent as I stare into it, anxiety gnawing at my chest. "Promise?" He asks again.

"I promise." I whisper, even though I don't know if I can keep it. Theo knows this, but he seems more reassured nonetheless. Slowly, he rests his hand on top of mine, our fingers intertwining. His hand is warm against mine and I scoot closer, laying my head on his shoulder. He squeezes my hand gently, almost as if to persuade me that everything will be okay.

We'll all be safe.

But I know that's not how this is going to go because this is real life.

And real life doesn't have any happy endings.

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