,you made me a better person.. thank you..' were his last words.

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Tommy had been in many foster houses since he was added to the system at the age of six. He was at four foster houses before this one ,where he made himself rules and after each of them atleast one or two were added to them.

- Dont trust to easily (house 1)

- dont show your powers. (house 1)

- Dont speak back (house 2)

- be silent (hous 3)

- dont talk if not allowed (house 3)

- do what they tell you. (house 4)

Tommy always stuck to those rules and the Foster Parents seemed to like that he was silent , not loud and never spoke back and that he only talked if allowed but still they always found a reason to send him back and he hated it , it just made him want to not be alive anymore because does he even deserve to?

Tommy had thought that would happen with the Watsons too , that they would slap him , yell at him , push him around , use him as some kind of servant but it never happened ,no matter what he did they were always nice to him and helped him if he had panic attacks or breakdowns or anythings else. He didnt understand it at first when he was put in Phils care at the age of 10 years because no Adult was ever nice to him , so why was this man so nice to him all the time and only used gentle tones with him instead of loud ones?..

When Phil first heard of Tommy from Puffy who was a friend with someone that worked at the orphanage he immediatly wanted to meet the boy but first talked to the Twins of course , they both were more than happy when they heard they could get a younger brother so they agreed and it only took three weeks till the Boy was living with them.

It was hard to earn Tommys Trust but after five months Tommy seemed to finally get that they trully loved him and only wanted whats best for him. They eventually found out that Tommy was a really loud kid like Wilbur when he met Tubbo and they became best friends , Tommy was scared to be loud around them but after assuring him they liked that side of him he started to act like that around them too. It took a year till Tommy was feeling like part of the family and even got asked to be adopted by Phil at christmas whe he was 11 years old , he immediatly said yes of course and they had a huge Party afterwards , not just to celebrate christmas but also to celebrate that Tommy Innit was now Tommy Innit Watson.

Everything had been great with them and stayed like that for three more years after the adoption.

Now (tommy is 14 , the twins are 18) :

They were downstairs eating breakfast like everyday , Phil had made Pancakes yesterday , the day before that was Wilburs turn and the day before that it was Techno which meant Today was Tommys turn to make breakfast. He had learn how to cook and bake when he was eight years old and his foster Parents at that Time had made him cook for them like almost everyday till they said he wasnt good enough and send him back.

The Watsons werent happy to hear that but Tommy was proud of it, not every kid his age was able to cook and bake all alone but he never had anything against company nowdays which was why Wilbur sat at the table with his morning coffee as they talked and Tommy made breakfast.

,,what are you making Toms?" Wilbur asked sudenly , they had been talking for ten minutes now before Tommy had an idea for today and started making breakfast.

,,Pancakes is getting boring everyday or Eggs" Tommy responded and Wilbur raised an eyebrow

,,okay? so what is it?" Wilbur asked again and Tommy giggled

,,i was thinking of those wraps that are always filled with i dont know what but with normal breakfast?" Tommy said a bit confused himself ,,what i mean is that im making wraps with eggs and bacon and a few others with cucumbers , salat and a few other healthy things" Tommy explained as he began making the wraps

,you made me a better person.. thank you..' were his last words.Where stories live. Discover now