" just friends ?"

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We had made plans for valentines day which was the day after we hung out with alyssa and brian . he textes me and said he had plans he couldnt cancel and we didnt hang out. Now this is the part that hurts the most is that he stopped texting me for a couple days and then my cuzin she comes over and tells me i look sad so i tell her and i left me phone woth her and i come bck to my room and shes on the phone with him .. wtf . but she didnt see me at the door and she says yuh should leave her and get with me and he said " i will rn " and i dropped my drink and started pouring out in tears my whole world stopped i couldnt see everything was blurry i started hitting everything i screamed amd cried i texted him and told him it was over and he said sorry i couldnt even talk i couldnt do anything it hurt . i trusted him with everything he was my eveything and this is wjat i got . i walked into my room looked at my cuzin and said " how could yuh " my voice cracking " why , why did yuh do this " she looks at me laughing " dont be sad cuz he left yuh for someone way prettier " i couldnt even handle anything that weekend i cried all weekend i remember as if it happened yesterday . I cried friday night , all of Saturday all of Sunday and monday morning . and I burned all of our pictures amd I erased all of our videos i thew away teddy bears and letters and phone cases and he calles me and says . " i just want to be friends . "

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