they meet .

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it was the first week of school , i seen him he looked very different i couldn't recognize him . he was really inlove with my bestfrand so i didnt try tp get in there way . untill the day we hung out . now i really didnt want to start liking him and im not to sure how it happend . it was a friday night that we were on the famous mariposa street and all of our friends were there as well , and as it started getting a little darker he started kissing her and being with her . me on the other hand i was on my phone trying to ignore them , i didnt work out as well as i wished it would , they got to her house to pick me up and he stopped kissing her and told me bye as i left she went inside and he walked home , right after that day i couldn't get him out of my head. i would see him around school and he would tell me hi and talk to me ! then a couple days later he walks up to me and says ....
" aye jazmine come here real quick "
i say .
" what happen "
he said .
" aye is she talking to someone else ?"
i hezetated to relpy .
" im gonna he honest with yuh she is ."
he said
" ok thanxs ."
i mean dont get me wrong i did feel bad telling him i wouldnt want him to get hurt . amd after that we started talking more in school . this is when i started to like him .

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