acting up

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The day we hung out I thought itd be the same even when we hung out with other ppl too ... well guess what i was wrong , so about a week later alyssa calls me up and says " jaz come with me to the park tmmrw " i say " for whaaatttt " and she said " cuz brian wants to hang out and i dont wanna hang out alone with him yet plz " i say " finnnnneee " so the next day comes and im on my way and im blowing joshs phone up and hes not answering me so me and alyssa get to the park a little early so i asked her " aye lemme use yur phone to call josh ya " and she said " yeah here " so i call amd he answered and some girl told me that he had a side chick and i was like " aye wheres yur side chick jaylin at" and he got dead silent so i hang up and i told Brian about it and whatever so whatever a good 20 minutes pass and i turn aroumd to find josh coming down the side walk on his skateboard . i got kinda nervous . this is the part that kinda got me . he went to where we were and he just sits down and starts talking to brian im just looking at alyssa like wtf and shes trynna give brian the hint like " ok let them talk " well he was there for about 15 minutes until brian was like " damn foo dont even say wassup to yur lady " and he looks at me from the other side of the bench and was like " oh shit my bad i didnt see yuh " like really foo i was the first person yuh looked at when yuh got here . but i didnt trip or anything . after that brian gose on a little walk woth him to the other bench and im not to sure what he told him but it worked. he said sorry amd he kissed and made up , only this time he walked me down to the corner and said " ina go blaze it with my cuzinz ill call yuh when im home " qnd in my mind i was thinking come on yuh dont have any cuzinz that live on this street so who are yuu gonna go with . i mean of course i didnt tell him i said ok we hugged and he left ...

i miss yuh Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ